
You mean poorly treated labourers produce inferior work? I’m SHOCKED.

The #1 solution to climate change, as advocated for by 99%* of economists and scientists.

I think years ago (the “anymore” to which your refer) SV was seen as a good thing. And certainly there are good things to come out of there.

I would not take that bet as I would lose.

Wait I’m as old as the GTI, does that mean I’m 45 this year?

Welcome to the world of grown ups, where we reckon with all of our past, not just the good stuff.

This is good Jalop - thank you!

What’s frustrating is how that’s just glossed over - like good on them for reducing their environmental footprint in general, but they should explain to us how exactly they’re offsetting their carbon - that’s the more pressing issue. Leaving that out makes the rest seem like greenwashing.

10 people, by my count.

You can tell by weighing them - they weigh as much as a duck!


baby steps I guess?

Good, glad to see they’re recognizing the need to switch to EV’s, and your point about them putting their money where their mouth is is spot on.


Thanks for the chuckle.

But if we don’t hold up individuals as unimaginably rich, what will motivate people to better themselves, work harder and also become billionaires? How will we shame people for being poor if we don’t have rich people to compare them to!?!? The American dream!!!1!!1

Teal. Wrap it in teal to keep that 90's feeling.

Wait are you saying stereotypes aren’t true? Get outta here!

LOOOOL I pictured this in my head when I read your reply and then the picture loaded. Bravo!

So you’re not a 100 year old masochist who looks down on anything with water-cooling?

riding this thing across the American West feels like an extremely punk rock thing to do.