
...and that half of the country won't buy the iPhone. Why?

In the UK, we have an SMS-to-landline service, which converts the text to speech. It also has a profanity filter. Just to demonstrate the pointlessness of the filter, I texted my friend's landline number with "Fur queue ess hole". Easy! Now I just need to get my friend back.....

I won't dip my toe in the water and make a joke here.

I read the headline and thought "Wow, the wife made sure I won't find her chocolate stash then...."

"Impossible to distinguish truth from illusion". From the Catholics. Hmmm - pot, kettle, black, perhaps?


@seishino: Nokia: Kinecting people....?

Yep, I'm seeing more and more reasons to buy Apple products.....

Buy an Apple computer. Uncle Steve will not allow such "objectionable" file names.....

Yep, I'm seeing more and more reasons to buy Apple products....

Yep, I'm seeing more and more reasons to buy Apple product....

Coming soon from Amazon:

Tarantino is a genius, his films are always a delight to watch, and his ear for a great soundtrack is unsurpassed today IMHO. He clearly was having an off-day there though - CGI is fine if used diligently. If he doesn't want to use it, I'll still be a huge fan though!

@JMKarstetter: You need to set up a device to block third party cookie theft...... Firefox Auto Edition?

"Genius Bar" Grrrr, that sums up why I don't like Apple. Decent product, but packaged with smug, self-satisfying claptrap! Trouble is, as marketing it seems to work! Now where's my Awesome Magic Unicorn......