
Just for a laugh, I'd install internal glass partitions, and watch the workers walk into them. Yes, I'm a bad, bad person...... ;-)

Not surprising really - Chrome is faster than Firefox, it makes the very best of screen real estate and usability is first rate. Once I used it, I never looked back. And I really liked Firefox.....

@Cintax: You are quite correct about the origin of "Dyson sphere", but accusing zuberio of misattribution is somewhat harsh. ST:TNG is where I first came across the term too, and in the episode concerned Captain Picard does explain it's origin quite clearly. So zuberio's reference is correct, as long as Mark 2000 had

Someone in England corrupts Associated Football, badly (thanks gforster for that nugget), but no-one uses "soccer" in the UK. It is FOOTBALL, as in FIFA, and every country's governing body in the World AFAIK (the Aussies call theirs FOOTBALL Federation Australia). Soccer is an unofficial term merely used to

@kagekiri: I like that term, I shall now call football "zuqiu". Thanks!

Have to say I prefer the 360 controller, but there's not much wrong with the PS3 controller. I've always found the triggers better on the 360, I find myself fumbling about for the PS3 ones. And the left thumbstick is better for me on the 360. But that's just my hands......

All due respect to Americans (and I have a lot), but dudes it's FOOTBALL. I understand it's soccer in the USA to avoid confusion with your quaint game of American Football, but when the World Cup's on, how about calling it FOOTBALL like the rest of the known Universe? The world would be oh so grateful! I look forward

I like the newer look - what shape fits a rectangular screen best? Why, a rectangle of course! The curved edges will minimize the bulk somewhat. It's a clean looking design. I wouldn't buy one though! I get more features for less money elsewhere, and equally good looking phones too. I'll sacrifice a bit of gloss and a

I choose freedom over shackles.... Evo is the ONLY option for me from this list!

How about a device that re-absorbs the stupidly huge sound energy produced by over-powered speaker systems in some cars? That'll keep the irritating b*stards quieter perhaps.....