
The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

This is good, but what about all the minimum wage workers and people whose bosses won’t understand? I think strikes can be effective but we also need systems of protest that are more inclusive for people who can’t afford to strike.

Thank you. This was a weird post, and strikes me as very not necessary in the current political climate. I’m marching out there in all kinds of solidarity protests because there is an actual rise of fascism in the U.S. - I’m not super keen on hearing that fellow feminists are willing to snub those working hard to

I don’t understand your point. If you hate Bernie Sanders, fine, but just say that? The Dems appointed him “outreach chair” so he is, effectively doing that. Going on national television to try to convince people why OCare is worth saving is, not a bad thing.