
I’d never gotten into any of her work before, so I was surprised at how great a comic actress Kristen Bell is. She has a way of making you root for Eleanor no matter how scummy she gets because every line delivery is so great. (“Why don’t you pick it up if you’re so horny for the environment?” is an all time clasic.)

They’ve lived here since they were children. It was good enough for most of our ancestors.

Lot of first stones you’re casting there...

He’s also been open about his continuing therapy for years (I stopped listening to harmontown earlier in 2017 when I got tired of hearing him talk about Trump and not bring anything funny or insightful to it). So I don’t think he’s a good person/boss yet (I certainly wouldn’t want to work for him), but he’s shown that,

It comes out of the gray if a non-gray engages with it in some way. So it’s basically a class system. And I’m perfectly calm. Calmer than you. I can also get you a human toe by 3 o’clock this afternoon. With nail polish.

I’m still here! (Sort of) I lost my Scrawler name in the transition and I can’t get out of the fucking grays, so I hardly ever come around anymore. But I did happen to decide to pay a visit randomly just 20 minutes after this story posted. My Hardy sense must have been tingling ...

My uncle was taken aback when I explained to him the barest inkling of what the tax bill means for socioeconomic progress in this country. My household is in, I think, the top 10% in the country, and we’re STILL going to get absolutely punished by this. This bill was only good for the EXTREMELY extremely wealthy and

I think they’re bigger than that.

A pack of wild dogs will attack and kill a wounded member.

It’s as if Trump has career leprosy, and anyone who touches him suffers a swift fall from prestige.

I always wondered what rock bottom and totally screwed looked like, on someone who deserved it.

Hillary ran a baby brothel in Haiti’s basement.

Anyone who tries to argue that Trump isn’t racist is a Trump apologist.

Don’t forget the time James Franco photographed himself kissing James Franco without mirror James Franco’s consent.

I’m in the dark - what were the rumors about Kirk Douglas? And Gary Oldham?

I’m with you. Every scene with Murray in the office is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. His roll call just kills me.

Who said that? Did Steve tell you that, perchance? What’s Steve got to do with it?

I think you’re thinking of Barack Hussein Obamacare, the Devil’s Adjunct.

You’d think that the man responsible for Fudge Stripes would be totally down with the stoners...

Forget it Megan, It’s Harmontown