
If you ever find yourself working for or with a company called something ominous like “Black Cube”, you’re probably not on the side of the good guys.

It’s not rocket science, you guys. The idea is not that Disney is “punished” by them not going to the screenings, it’s saying they won’t be the stick Disney uses to beat the LA Times. They implicitly benefit from having a competitor (of sorts) out of the running in something that rewards publishing as soon as

Many. So many people on this discussion straight up suck.

Okay, I’m sorry then. I’m not interested in picking a fight.

I think this is a good stance - and I think it’s shameful as hell that Disney is treating the LA Times the way they are. I’ll still read AVC - and LA Times- reviews and if I have to read them late, no big deal.

No, as this removes our reviews from the media and publicity cycle.


“This so-called ‘impeachment’ is an all-out assault on America and the troops. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that Congress has the authority to remove a sitting President. And where is the military in all this? They’re being disrespected, and it’s their job to arrest any Congress that gets out of control!”

They are never gonna run out make-believe Hillary scandals, are they?

Should be easy enough for him to play since Old Mopey Luke is just a natural extension of Young Whiny Luke.

And me thought me had problems with grammar!

If that’s the case, someone should really let Papa John know that. His racist, dog whistle comments about protesters are the reason the Alt-Right jumped on board with his brand.

We should just ask Claire Danes’s father-in-law.

“I saw this movie about a alien. But you don’t know if he is an alien. Then it turns out he is an alien. It was called K Pax.”

Yeah I’ll never be able to sympathize with his character in Se7en again.

How does one rebound from this? How does one go about getting work when you are deemed a bully, a harasser, serial predator, radioactive?

Anyone who buys “trickle down” hasn’t been paying attention for the last 35 years.

“For example, most of human history” is an excellent sentence for almost any conversation.

My theory is that a number of their very expensive original shows get embarrassingly low ratings, and their Adam Sandler crap gets the highest ratings, and they don’t want shareholders demanding less quality content and more crap. Refusing to release the numbers allows Netflix to control their own narrative.