
Peter Davison’s web video “The Five-ish Doctors” had a great bit with Olivia Colman & Sean Pertwee discussing the then-upcoming 50th anniversary special for Doctor Who & her expressing surprise that she wasn’t in it. “Usually I’m in everything.”

She is just so fudging great, and judging by her exhaustive IMDB credits she’s the hardest workin’ woman in show business. I’m going to need to see Cuban Fury and Bad Sugar, because those titles are amaaaazing.

[ctrl+f “peep show”]

You mean they’re not hand-crafted by gummi artists who work exclusively in the medium of gummi?

It also did not help that Colony Capital was sexually harassed during their during their visit.

Creator Rob Thomas, with cast support including Bell, crowdfunded a movie. But it went pretty well - $5.7million dollars from 91k donors (I just looked up the numbers). And the movie got made and was pleasant fan service.

They crowdfunded and made a Veronica Mars movie a few years ago that was pretty fantastic.

The AVC will never die, even as comments cease and are replaced by the personality-less kinja masses, as long as there are as delightfully off-topic comments as this.

I once saw a photo of Kubrick, tony curtis and Kirk Douglas, all on a night out in Rome during the production of Spartacus. Now, show me a documentary about the partying those three got up to, and I’m in.

“Alternative representation.”

Yeah, that’s an apt comparison. Michael Caine is really the white Robert Guillaume.

He anchored Soap, to be sure. Funny guy. R.I.P.

I used to watch Benson all the time back when it was on, and saw Soap when it hit Nick at Night some time later. Guillaume clearly just owned the role. 89 is a hell of a good run, though.

“it’s been the most creative thing I’ve ever done”

Based on that picture, I think it is safe to assume that Kid Rock isn’t running for anything at all.

“I wish I had more protection. I wish this stuff didn’t happen. I can’t explain it to you. Yeah, I’m mad at him.”

How the hell is he not being prosecuted?

The entire right-wing is acting in ways that are in many ways unrelated to their own ideology right now. Madness is too generous a word to describe it.

For but one example, their current immigration policy is based around an insane idea to build a useless wall, that was only proposed for no other reason than to get

This is totally anecdotal, but I’m not friends with a lot of millionaires, and it’s getting harder to find right-wingers on the ground that even try to argue seriously for trickle down. A significant chunk of them seem to believe Trump tax cuts would personally benefit them, even the ones who, due to general poverty

My reaction to that whole comment: