All this smacks of self-congratulatory behavior. The producers guild? I mean, where do they think the term “casting couch” originated, the furniture store?
All this smacks of self-congratulatory behavior. The producers guild? I mean, where do they think the term “casting couch” originated, the furniture store?
yup, every club he’s a member of is now going to wait a couple days to announce kicking him out so they can all get their own social media pats on the back for it.
- Derrick Rose
Okay, so maybe dogs do technically have knees. But I think we are all in agreement that dogs cannot, in fact, look up. That’s just science.
Knees: you can’t explain that.
I like his movies except for that nervous fella that’s always in them.
Funny because he seems about as “heroic and brave” as the fictional Arthur! Which is to say...sorta and hey at least he’s trying?
Do they make personal mobility devices yet that can transport someone who is perpetually in the fetal position these days? I’m asking for a friend.
Thanks for this. I feel the same way about LOVE AND DEATH.
People have been asking “how could someone work with Woody Allen, knowing what they know” for years. Someone who’s actually done so relayed his thoughts on it, particularly because one of the big discussions of the moment is why the film industry so readily turns a blind eye to abuse. There’s worth there.
I heard Ronan Farrow on NPR and apparently he was assigned the Weinstein story and didn’t initially seek it out for himself, but its still interesting that the son of Woody Allen blew open the Weinstein case publicly. Between that and backing up his sister’s accusations of Allen, I am think that a great username here…
Y’know, if a woman who was worried about being accused of being a witch during witch hunt times had said “I don’t know about this. We don’t want it to turn into a witch hunt.” she would have been IMMEDIATELY branded a witch.
We’re going to float so much, we’ll get tired of floating.
Is he gonna take the AV Club to the bank...
He played cop on AZ too. Joe Arapio made him a cop and they would go on raids together for the illegals.
That’s a very irresponsible comment to make. The idea that only ugly people can be predators is a component of our rape culture and also just rude/superficial.
I love how Hollywood’s go-to move when they discover a powerful man who worked in Hollywood for decades is a serial sexual harasser/rapist is to be totally shocked at this completely isolated incident perpetrated by one bad apple. They had no idea! How could they? They’ve never heard of this sort of thing happening?…
So what are the odds that brother Bob long felt slighted, waited until he could amass enough evidence, held out until Harvey was at his most vulnerable career wise (due to a string of recent money loser movies) and then anonymously worked with journalists to spring the shit storm on Harvey and rapidly push him out and…
“We will continue to do nothing to enforce our old rules and now we have brand new rules for us to do nothing to enforce. Happy now, ladies?”
Give me another chance, baby. This time it’ll be different, I swear.