
Sorry, I guess I didn’t make my point clear — the assholes have nothing to do with the show. There are assholes in every fandom. Rick and Morty is just a very popular show right now, so people take the assholes in that fandom as representative of everyone who likes it, which they are not. They’re just the same garden

Hey, can someone explain to me what a few assholes — who are found literally everywhere and in every fandom — have to do with how much we’re allowed to like a show?

Heh. It’s going to be funny* to watch 4,000 R&M fans threaten to rape your family because you called it Rick & Marty. 

Now playing

It’s weird that this article doesn’t mention the fact that Seinfeld reversed his position during his Colbert appearance. After the segment posted in the article, the show went to a commercial and then came back. Seinfeld said that he had thought about it over the break and realized that “I can’t separate it either.”

Don’t you know that if someone comes around to your point of view you’re supposed to continue to hold it against them that they at one time believed differently?

So the tone we’re taking here is, “about time, asshole,” instead of “good on you for reconciling that a man who was once your hero has done things so terrible you can’t enjoy his comedy anymore,” right? Got it.

Then how do you explain The Transformers’ Franchise

Just click on the Aa above the comment box and a bunch of font options will appear.

Look, Kinja is bad enough without you making stuff up about it.

Yemeni kids are getting lots of exposure to the aerospace industry right now!

Our reality is some other reality’s most ingenious work of satire.

Has the new AV Club already forgotten about the age-old concept of two things?

Trump was a star, so they let him do it. He could do anything.

I love it when douchebags’ NDAs fail to keep their nasty shit secret.

Wouldn’t a “crypto furry” be someone who enjoys dressing up as a sasquatch or yeti?


sad upvote lol. Makes me picture a Jon Bernthal delivering a Captain Planet-esque PSA, then giving a child a handgun and saying “The power is yours!”

Instead of the powers being granted by tragic accidents, they cause tragic accidents!