
You know, I see this kind of comment a lot, and it never fails to bug me. Why should the community (wordplay!) affect how you interact with a piece of art? I recognize that a lot of people on Reddit are shitheads, so I choose not to interact with them and thus never have to deal with MRAs who think that being a self

Finally, Dan Harmon can get all the alcohol he wants. Which is all of the alcohol.

Hey, he and I have something in common!

Huh. It’s so unlike him to go public with something he hasn’t thought out very well.

One reason we can lay off the “well, it’s about fucking time” stuff. It really doesn’t matter why or how someone comes around to reason, it’s enough that they do. Everything else is just patting yourself on the back for seeing it earlier. (Not saying “you” as in you, BO, just in general.) Someone recently said that

The world needs more of this. It is very wise to admit a mistake and do your best to correct it.

In lighter news, Jared and Ivanka have three private email accounts between them, which have been used for hundreds of official White House emails so far. It’s like they are deliberately trying to be as hypocritical as possible.

every day i think to myself “well, at least ol’ Don can’t do anything more terrible than the thing he did yesterday” and every day i’m proven wrong. i think the universe must not have an edge because we surely would have hit the relative bottom by now.

International news: The Catalan region has voted to secede from Spain. In spite of an intense Spanish crackdown—there are reports of Spanish police storming into voting sites and confiscating boxes of ballots—there was a 42% turnout, with over 90% of votes cast being for independence. Now, the results of the

Here’s how fucked-up that all is, by the way:

I mean, let’s have both.

Is there a good reason this site is keeping on on DUCKTALES, a show for small children, and ignoring Nathan for You reviews???

Daily They’re Still Going to Take Away Your Health Care Reminder:

This always bothers me with the Trump family. People keep attacking them over absolute nonsense, which is ridiculous because the Trumps have so very many things that really do deserve attacking there’s no reason to go for weak stuff like this.

It seems that the librarian objected more to the donator than the donation. I understand that, but the over-reaction then allows the Trump family Circus to look like an aggrieved party and attacked by a militant left strawman that won’t be happy with anything they do. This plays right into their hands.

Yeah, this seems like the wrong hill to die on.

This seems the right spot for this.

Is this just a contemporary version of “Let them eat cake.”

Ongoing scandal: HHS Secretary Price has announced he will write a personal check to cover his “seat” on private planes—which are now estimated to have cost taxpayers over $1 million since he has been in office. ‘Seat’ is in quotes since Price is only paying back $51,887. How he arrived at that amount isn’t known, but