
I just want to highlight Bannon saying he’s not racist because he went to an integrated Catholic school. Like, he couldn’t even play the “black friend” card, so instead he’s saying he could’ve, in theory, had a black friend. Also, internet fact checking shows his school integrated the year before he graduated, and

I’m getting on this.

The fundamental problem with working with Trump — not the more abstract ethical or philosophical one, but the baseline pragmatic one — is that he is an inveterate liar with the attention span of a two-year-old and the soul of a late-night used car salesman. I feel like trying to partner with him in any meaningful

I guess you could call this article a...

Considering Trump’s entire policy has been to undo everything Obama did, I frankly doubt he’s pivoting at all, regardless of a speculated motivation to win over the many people who think he’s a giant piece of shit. I’d be happy to be wrong about that, and I’d absolutely hope that Democrat lawmakers would be willing to


After Hurricane Harvey got the debt ceiling raised, Trump wants to use Irma as a reason to speed up work to pass tax reform. So, that could complicate any potential pivot.

They’re going to be disappointed when they find out it’s just overrun with tufted titmice.

The Wheel of Time is sufficiently different from Game of Thrones that I don’t think the former is a poor man’s version of the latter. At least, as someone who has only watched not read GoT, their respective approaches seem pretty different to me and WoT is more like a medieval Star Wars than an adult prestige drama.

“Captain, we’ve spotted land”

I mean, literally everybody that was using the site before Kinja agrees the redesign is terrible. Conversations are harder to follow in the comments, and the website itself is harder to navigate. It’s only natural that making the website harder to use would result in a loss of regular visitors.

WoT is one of those book series that I appreciate solely as an effort in world building. The characters are all tedious bores, the writing is turgid and repetitive—if I read about one more female character “crossing her arms beneath her breasts,” I swear to the Creator...—and the plotting is abysmal. What especially

This is what happens when executives are allowed to dictate policy without having the least understanding of the product.

Because this shit has killed their commenting community, which they referred to as “important” to them.

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

Now playing

Wait... so let me get this straight... the guy who used to say that drug users were destroying America then turned out to be abusing pharmaceuticals (To the point he was committing fraud to get multiple prescriptions) is a hypocrite?

Hannity next, please.

“I’m on ...... TV ... ”

Should have called in the master, Barry Zuckercorn.

Biff! Pow!