Watch out, Itchy—he’s Irish!
The rest of her is RealDoll. She’s incredibly lifelike!
Nah, he was one of those circus bears.
Maybe too obvious, but I’m going to go with Jim Carroll’s “People Who Died”.
Qatar update: Following a meeting to discuss the Gulf blockade, Trump and the Emir of Kuwait issued a joint statement saying that the threat of war has been “neutralized.” The Saudi bloc followed with a statement of it’s own, confirming that the “military option” is not being considered. Trump made some comments about…
I don’t think Velocirapstar has ever been a die hard Bernie fan. In fact if you read what they wrote they very clearly like Clinton, and wish she would be more active politically as a way to use her years of political knowledge to help the democrats in 2018 and 2020. He’s lamenting that she’s reppin’ a book instead.
Jeb can still win!
I’m in the exact same place. I’m not a Clinton fan, but I respect her abilities and influence. She could do a lot of good with it, instead of relitigating the past.
the fact that Matt and Trey refuse to make fun of Trump
He’s still in that brothel trying to find a girl who doesn’t already know his pirate jokes.
I think theory 1 is the closest, and that theories 2 or 3 give Trump too much credit. Trump is obsessed with his media coverage, and — despite what he says about being the most successful greatestest president ever — knows that his brand has taken a hit because of his inability (as the leader of a party that controls…
“This is bad for GOP leadership because it grants Dems a lot of leverage when this all runs out in December. Leverage that can be used for stuff like permanent DACA relief and healthcare. Which is why it’s good for the country.”
I think Trump saw how people reacted to him not completely fucking up his response to Harvey, and he sees this (the relief package) as a quick way to get more of that validation. Throw in his issues with Ryan and McConnell, and here we are.
Leading Trump to get it confused with one of his own policy platforms?
Modern conservativism requires privatisation dialed up to 11. While the modern democratic structure dials it to around 6 with a dash of globalization. That’s the problem with what we on the left are working with. We still have to deal with neoliberal infrastructure reigning in on what few moments we have when a…
Also, international news: the Catalonia state parliament has passed a law clearing the way for a referendum on declaring independence from Spain. Unless the Spanish courts overturn them—which is more likely than not—the referendum will take place October 1st. Separatists say that they can begin to break away from…
I’d like to say I was amazed Ryan could criticize the Democrats for “playing politics” with the debt ceiling with a straight face, but he’s more than proven the depths of his hypocrisy and political hackery by now.