
The news has rightly placed a lot of focus on nuclear diplomacy or the lack thereof, with major developments in both Iran and North Korea. I’d argue the NK news isn’t actually as big as presented - nothing has been agreed upon, so relocating the photo op isn’t really a game-changer. Trump has pivoted to asking for a

Politics Corner - The drone Iran shot down cost $135 million. Compare that to this link.
That’s a cot on sale at Amazon. It has four and a half stars. It costs $25.99. The price of one drone would buy you over 5 million cots. One rich donor could buy cots for all the migrants in all the

I guess you could say the bonds that knit their community together are unraveling like a cheap sweater. I’m not saying you SHOULD say that. But you could.

Counterpoint - Other Space was really good, and I’m still bummed the death of the platform robbed it of another season. But you’re right it wasn’t Community’s fault.

They can’t make a Community movie until Donald Glover and Levar Burton are released by those pirates.

Politics Corner - Apparently Trump agreed to bomb the hell out of Iran a few hours ago, and then changed his mind just before stuff started exploding. The planes were in the air, on their way. So, that’s insane. Even by Trump standards. Bolton and Pompeo were pushing for it, because they’re warmongers, but the

Politics Corner - Trump Tweets Threat Level Midnight. In one of his always delightful after hours tweets, Trump ‘announced’ that next week ICE was going to start deporting ‘millions’ of undocumented Americans. I use the quotes because it doesn’t look like ICE knew this was something they’re about to start doing, and

I’ve read reports that say the threats of an immigration crackdown have actually worsened the situation. People want to flee to safety while they still can. While it’s not a national emergency, the numbers HAVE surged, and that is a problem. A problem Trunp made worse.

That’s pretty on brand, Bran. Not all of us can see through time, you know. I guess I jinxed them.

Politics Corner - Shooting the Messenger edition. Trump didn’t like his internal polling, so he fired the pollsters. This is like someone going out in the rain and, rather than using an umbrella, they shoot the weatherman. It’s still raining! But let’s not get too thrilled by this news. I don’t want us to get

That’s kind of you to say. Splinter does a good job, but it’s appalling how little substance cable news gives you. They’ll argue back and forth about optics and give both sides time to spin in endless debates without engaging the actual details in any depth. I still watch sometimes, but it’s frustrating.

Politics Corner - Dead Men Tell No Tales, But Their Hard Drives Do. There is a case before SCOTUS challenging the Trump admin’s attempts to add a citizenship question to the census. This is much more important than it might initially seem, for reasons that aren’t immediately clear. So, what are those reasons? The

Politics Corner - The Trump Admin is trying to roll back auto emission standards, because of course they are. I imagine I don’t have to sell you guys on why stricter emissions standards are a good thing - you all presumably have lungs. California is leading a group of 19 states suing to stop the roll back, and they

Politics Corner - On Friday, a disgruntled, newly resigned employee massacred his colleagues at a municipal building in Virginia Beach. This sort of thing is so commonplace now that for American society, news of a shocking act of mass murder is just another day at the office. When you consider the people the victims

Politics Corner - Won’t Somebody PLEASE Think of the Nonchildren!?!? Edition. The Supreme Court declined to reinstate most of a draconian anti abortion law. They let the lower court’s decision to throw out the provisions prohibiting abortion based on disability stand, but they overruled that court to say the provision

Politics Corner - Briefly - Trump unveiled his North Korea strategy today, when he said he was’t bothered by them resuming missile tests, that it doesn’t violate UN resolutions, he’s ‘very happy’ with how things are going even though talks have broken down, and Kim is a smart an who will keep his promise. He’s decided

Politics Corner today remembers the veterans who sacrificed so much in revive to this country. Both of my grandfathers served in WW2. One was shot down in a troop transport and spent two days on a raft in the Pacific when he wasn’t long out of high school. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.

At least it’s not Mitchell. I’ve seen/read some stuff by him outside of Peep Show, and I like him quite a bit. It would be more upsetting if he were an asshole. Webb doesn’t shock me.

I don’t think it really makes that much of a difference. If he survives, his mind is still destroyed. But if I had to pick one, I think he dies.

Politics Corner - Fuck this Guy edition. Trump is holding our crumbling infrastructure hostage in order to extort Pelosi into halting congressional oversight. Of course, he knows she won’t stop, and we all know the odds of actually PASSING the desperately needed infrastructure overhaul in this climate was very