
Ha, I didn’t even know ‘dismissing’ was an option. I guess I struck a nerve with this guy.

In what universe are you, of all people, the arbiter of good faith? I didn’t even know ‘dismissing’ was a thing you could do, but the fact you chose to resort to using it on my comment speaks loads about your confidence in your own feeble argument. Coward.

It’s a really good story, but it could be tricky to adapt. For a story where

Regarding the decline in comments, I think you misspelled ‘kinja.’ The AV Club has always been an openly left-leaning site. If you want to a site where all discussions of racial injustice are considered ‘race baiting’, and concern for the rights of women is written off as ‘virtue signaling’, Breitbart will welcome you

The religious right warned us that marriage equality would lead to our schools being overrun by ageless aardvark children, but we didn’t listen.

It’s worse than that. It takes 2/3 in the Senate to remove from office via impeachment. It will not happen. I still think the House should open an impeachment inquiry, though.

Politics Corner so rarely gets a chance to write about good news, but today is an exception. A federal judge ruled that the congressional subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars, was legitimate. Mazars has said they will comply. And there is no stay on the order. Congressional lawyers argued that they needed the

I watched this show week by week from the beginning, so I haven’t seen the first episodes in a long, long time. Once I get a year or so distance from the finale, I’m really looking forward to binging it. Until season 5. Maaaaybe 6.

They made him King because of the sudden shortage of royal chairs. He was the only one who brought his own.

Speaking of the aftermath of murdering civilians during war...

Everyone is trying to replicate the critical and commercial success of Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties.

Last I checked, we don't have a problem with homeless undocumented immigrants. They seem pretty good at finding homes for themselves. Abandoned babies, however, lack that skill. That's why our foster and adoption systems are already overwhelmed.

Nero, the villain in the reboot, is Romulan. He goes back in time to blow up Vulcan because he blames the Federation for letting Romulus explode. I think. So, main timeline?

Politics Corner - Rhymes with Bagortion edition. There have been a raft of state bills intended to overturn Roe v Wade and outlaw abortion. Alabama’s is the most severe. It criminalizes abortion with a 99 year sentence for those who violate it. It considers a fertilized egg to be legally a baby - IF it’s inside a

Fans can be very picky/unforgiving. I really liked the trailer

That cast is fantastic, and the source material is as well. I’m trying not to let my expectations get out of hand...

I see you remain as relentlessly detached from reality as ever, Squa. I cast no judgment on the Chinese system, or painted the Chinese as the ‘bad guys’ in this dispute - I specifically attempted to see things from their perspective to get a clearer picture of what is happening. China’s leaders aren’t elected by the

So does North Korea. It's nice to give people something to do, for fun.

This will be great, as long as it’s actually written by GRR Martin. If it’s just based on his rough outline, I’d keep my expectations managed.

Politics Corner - The trade war with China deepened today, as they predictably retaliated against our most recent round of tariffs with a round of their own. Amazingly, they did this even though Trump CLEARLY told them not to on Twitter. Trump says they’re waiting for him not to be President anymore before they cut a