
Well my thinking had been that if they spend their day recording ambient chatter rather than coding or working on artwork, they would still be paid for their days work. As for how it would affect crunch time coding... I don’t expect they’d want to use people from the most busy division when other divisions are in a

The sticky part here is that we need a clear definition of just exactly what kinds of v/o work can be reasonably farmed out to internal employees and what kinds MUST be reserved for union actors. If that definition actually existed, it would prevent both sides from abusing the other.

It’s like that with most “passion” jobs. But actors and athletes get a following and a union to ensure they get paid.

The problem is that there are thousands of naive young programmers fresh out of school willing to do the job for peanuts, and higher-ups know it. The second someone shows signs of being unwilling to work those inhuman hours, they’re out on their ass.

I really dig this title. It feels like Mad Max and it is crazy fun. I actually got banned from Polygon because I said their review was garbage because they were all up inside of Destiny. I should have shown restraint but I don’t like Polygon. Crecente is cool though....he’s probably the one that banned me lol. :D

For those of you who don’t live in shitty places like America,

‘The Patriarchy’

So it’s Fiction then?

Hmm that’s an interesting aspect to it. I don’t believe I live in a state w/ robust consumer protection, NM, but I still had no problem reversing a $2000 charge for a couch that didn’t satisfy, even though this was in contradiction to the store’s policy. My bank agreed that the store’s policy was unfair, which is

Go to gamestop to buy present for my nephew, Mario Kart DS. The manager is working the register, asks me if I want a new copy or a used copy. I ask him the price difference and it’s only like four dollars, so I decide for that little difference I may as well just get him a fresh copy.

I did play it for a class I was taking and addicted at least 8 people to it.

That was the biggest complaint I heard against the movie. That it wasn’t realistic in how they’d fight and how the damage to the mechs played out. That they’d let nobodies pilot the mechs and the only force capable of fighting would be so small. As I said dumb complaints.

Ya.. it is pretty disappointing what makes it in the mobile market. Hell it’s pretty depressing what makes it in theatres. You see shitty shit like TMNT make it and garbage like this. Yet well crafted games movies that do amazing shit with new ideas struggle or get shrugged off for reasons they stomach from the

You’re not gonna believe this, but I’m playing on PS4.

Well those ‘tween animators we hear so much about are probably just completely fed up with making minimum wage and are just phoning it in now, because, why not? Get paid shit, do shit.

I will say, this report has made me less sad about Kojima leaving. Now I just wanna see him and a lot of the Konami staff move on to make their own games free of this mess.

Is there a second source? I’d really like to know if these rather serious allegations are true. If so, I probably won’t buy Metal Gear 5

Kenji Kawai’s music is unmistakably amazing. I somewhat recently picked up the original 2.o on DVD as well as got the Remaster 5.1 on DVD as well in a special edition with extras, AFTER I tracked down the Pre-Soundtrack and the Original Soundtrack earlier this year (with the former being much harder to find). This

Get into them, but don’t wait till this (possibly) comes out to start. Depending on which systems you own, I HIGHLY recommend these as introductions to the series:

Directly. No adapter required.

Point of interest, anyone else using mouse+kb on their PS4? If so, how is it and what games have you tried?