This is a story about Doom 3’s source code and how beautiful it is. Yes, beautiful. Allow me to explain.
This is a story about Doom 3’s source code and how beautiful it is. Yes, beautiful. Allow me to explain.
... how does he fly like that? that’s some devil shit right there
... an online/offline/invisible/busy status so you can play multiplayer games even when you don’t want to talk to any of your friends
As if paying money up front for a season pass of DLC wasn’t bad enough, now you can pay $60 for an entire game sold to you in chunks.
I really don’t like this whole episodic releases for games. Not a fan of being drip fed which is why I tend to hate free-to-play mobile games since those stupid energy bar dictate how much you can play. I’m still waiting for Life is Strange to be fully release before playing.
Did anyone else lack the motivation to keep playing shadow of mordor after they had finished it? It was a fantastic game but I felt it had very little replayability
Artist: Shishamo | Track: Kimi to Natsu Fesu | Album: Shishamo 2
Which is fine, but it does mean that maybe the games you like aren’t the games that gamers like. I’m not saying you should say you should write about games you hate, but if the press for an industry is writing glowing reviews of games people aren’t playing maybe it indicates that the writer isn’t representative of the…
It looks very nice, but god was that... painfully artificial. Nobody talks like that when actually playing games. NOBODY. Either go full-ham RP mode and get immersed into the game, or talk like an actual human being. The mix of seriousness and lolling about loot was just eye rolling, made it hard to concentrate on the…
It’s a Swedish company. That’s just how the j is pronounced the Swedish language.
Not too big of a surprise. It was either this or Prey 2, and I think the chances were better for Dishonored to get a sequel first before Prey.
My approval is pending approval.
I watch a lot of Japanese television and read a lot of Japanese novels, history books, etc...
I...kind of want to get this game.
I just wish the lead was an adult for once...
I managed to get selected twice for beta, only to find there’s like NOBODY online. That’s a huge problem for a massive online shooter. I love the game though. It generally feels more forgiving of mistakes than other big FPS games and as someone who isn’t great at FPS games I love being useful as a medic or engineer.
It’s nothing like Destiny at all. It’s a multiplayer-only shooter with thousands of players in a single server. It’s more like sci-fi Battlefield than Destiny, though that isn’t totally accurate.
You know what I want, Bethesda. And you know what the consequences will be if it’s an MMO.
Neither are acceptable. Star Wars is fucking stupid and you're fucking stupid for liking it. Star Wars (after some almost decent parts of the original first film, and the climax of Empire) has always been some crappy, kiddie, Muppet pre-teen adventure romp through a nonsensical outer space McDonalds land playground.…