
Yeah you know what I’m going to give Mo the benefit of the doubt and say he is an avid Spencer follower and was just saying (accurately) that he eats a lot of burritos.

I know I just want to pinch them :)

Hahahahahaha cos he fat rite??!!?!??!?!!!??!

I’m sure the OP meant it as a ‘good looks vs good character’ rather than ‘good looks vs academic intelligence’ but you shouldn’t feel bad for the point you making.

His sperm is his. I can’t speak for Sofia Vergara, but I imagine she’d welcome it if he were to go off and impregnate some other woman with his sperm (not sure why he can’t do that if he wants a baby so badly).

A game of Civ 3 is incredibly important to me but I get your point ;)

I don’t think he’s even trying to appeal to MRAs as much as he IS Men’s Rights.

Both the trailer and the whole ‘can’t love’ thing makes it sound like a slightly more sci-fi version of Bones.

See this is why I’m actually in favour of national service despite it seemingly being at odds with other political views I hold. People suddenly give a shit about why we’re fighting the wars we are if its their ass getting conscripted.

I’m sure it will come as a surprise to absolutely NOBODY Alec Baldwin is one of the rudest people ive ever met.

Why are there so many 17 year olds anyway though? School finishes at 18 so the youngest undergraduates are normally 18 turning 19 over the course of an academic year.

I actually think people who are that pathologically driven are in a worse place than those with depression (in some ways). I struggled a lot in my late teens and early twenties with depression but eventually I started to recover (I don’t think you ever fully recover) thanks to realising that, if everything is

I know it’s being pointed out because it’s particularly important in this case but... Surely everyone knows that everything on Keeping Up With The Kardashians is fake.

So would you only be impressed with Mourinho if he quit Chelsea and managed someone like QPR? He manages Chelsea because they’re a good team and he’s a good manager, it’s not like he’s never proven his skills and was randomly assigned the Chelsea job.

I’m sorry, do you even Sports?

I don’t think the rioters are activists who are well-versed in racial politics but I don’t think that necessarily means they have nothing to do with those politics. These are people who have been marginalised and oppressed by a system that is forever rigged against them. I think these riots are an expression of the

And people still deny that Ref Culture exists.....

The language being used about the rioters in Baltimore is the same language that was used about the ANC and popular anti-Apartheid movements. Their opponents portrayed them as violent, poorly educated criminals who were just seizing any opportunity to fuck shit up. The whole ‘Mandela is a terrorist’ thing that Fox

I don’t want to make a blanket statement and say that peaceful reform and non violent protest doesn’t ever work, but I would say that a lot of the non-violent movements are only successful because of the existence of violent ones.

Honestly I don’t know if the opinion im about to express is morally correct or makes sense to anyone but fuck it I’ll say it anyway. Although I do want to say before I start on my rant that I’m not from the USA but from Britain and that I felt the same about the London riots a few years ago.