
How many other careers are there than officiating where being bad and wildly inconsistent at your job is excused by your job being “really hard”?

EPL stadiums aren’t safe for kids? I’ve been going to Portsmouth games for 20 years (including their stint in the premier league) from childhood through to adulthood and have never felt unsafe.

In Britain, the V sign with the back of your hand facing the person you’re swearing at is like giving the finger.

This is what gets me. He even says a homosexual man is 100% a man (obviously) so therefore surely however any gay man chooses to dress is masculine? How can you tell any man he is anything less than 100% masculine all the time?

How very American of you.

No one else is gonna say it? I'm really going to have to be the one to say it?

Scarlett Johansson as Kaa though?

God that was so unnecessary.

I'd bet good money that Mowgli has been 'reimagined' as a white dude.

Whilst I agree with this decision and don't think any circuses should have animal acts, I would like to say that not all circus owners/animal trainers are cash-grabbing animal torturers.

I was at the same event as her a couple years ago and got to talk to her over a few days. She really is great fun to be around and of course does not shy away from talking about sex so you do get the euphemisms and facts.