I explicitly don’t when I see that face. Even when it shows up on channels I normally frequent. Can only vote with my click.
I explicitly don’t when I see that face. Even when it shows up on channels I normally frequent. Can only vote with my click.
Heck, at root is the assumption the players in any industry are currently engaged in the most optimal method for success. Which goes against the history of just about any human endeavor. Or that current practices are not at least affected by the fact people on the top are less likely to want to change anything and…
As a Nintendo Power reader circa Link to the Past (with the comic adaptation of that game) and a superfan of Link’s Awakening, I tend to agree.
But it at least it wasn’t a bizarre one...
The irony will be someone coming up with some bundled service that starts out as an aggregation of some obviously overlapping niche interests. Comic book/anime or other genre TV or something.
I had that, but lost my account. Working for that goal for the 3rd time now.
Yeah, we need only look to the distant past of 2013 to see what happens when a company misjudges demand for hardware. THQ was doing fine until a couple car crashes like the uDraw. Then of course all the plastic music instrument companies around the same time.
I think it’s gotten worse, but as a forum goer and Usenet user of the 90's I’d say the root instinct has been there from the beginning. All you got on the internet are the electrons associated with your handle. Can’t back down once you’ve made a statement or you are less than nothing. It doesn’t actually work out that…
It only takes one person. I wonder if you looked across the population if recent transplants/new drivers make up a larger percentage of these accidents.
Given the World Series was guaranteed to further vindicate Theo or Terry, I guess there was a little more fire to this Red Sox smoke.
For now, (and excusing the Leviathans) certainly...though really all I’ve wanted was a playable version of the sole survivor of DC1938. A garden world with excessive krypton in it’s atmosphere that randomly blew up.
Thinking on it some more, an interesting twist for Milky Way aliens would be small outposts of aliens that had done this Ark idea too, but from previous Reaper cycles. Maybe that race we thought were Protheans from the first game but were something else by the 3rd game.
It doesn’t have to be Red Faction or anything, but here’s to hoping Force users and combat Engineers can do more interesting things than just rush through the same door that your Soldier class Space Marine is limited to.
Re: Geth, sure they hadn’t been seen, but they existed for centuries. Which is why I think a sci-fi crazy thing like a von Neumann probe or simply beaming their schematics out into the void of Andromeda makes more sense for how they would show up. They had info on that weirdo dark energy sun that was dying early.…
Sure, like using biotics to do anything like what the cinematics show.
They are best participating in Hamlet. They might show up in video. Now if we get to have one like what is suggested in the fiction serving as a heavy weapons platform and with vehicle grade shields, maybe cracking bad 80's action movie lines....then yes sign me up.
Not sure how that would be possible. Humans only got Mass Effect tech a few decades before the events of ME1. They weren’t even fully colonizing the space given to them by the Citadel. Meaning this mission isn’t concurrent with the ME trilogy and these folks didn’t leave centuries in the past but probably left closer…
Probably, though I recall the Force abilities in ME1 were significantly downgraded from what was shown in earlier trailers. I hope given the trajectory of Bioware and the stakes, they’ve locked everything down here.
So long as the Volus and Hanar make it, that’s set. Somehow I see the Quarians and Geth making it, with the Geth being actually somewhat logical, but I’m hoping they did something sci-fi like transmit their schematics to Andromeda hoping some dumb species would be overjoyed at suddenly being able to build super…
I’m hoping environments will be more interactive, like the force powers the ME1 trailers predicted, but didn’t quite do.