Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

I had two cats in a NYC apartment and we used a covered litter box with a litter-trapping mat. If you are the kind of person who is willing to scoop every day (and your cat isn’t an asshole who pees sideways) get an open box so it’s less of a hassle; we scoop every ~3 days and have a covered box because my cat is a

The thing you have to do is SCOOP EVERY DAY. We do it every morning after feeding them and use Swheat Scoop, a non-clay environmentally friendly litter that clumps nicely.

Indeed. I don’t smoke (besides the occasional spliff courtesy of my dad’s homegrown) and rarely drink these days, and when I do drink it’s top shelf vodka/gin and mineral water or sulphite-free wine (though I will occasionally break this rule if there’s legit champagne on offer, and I do like a good icy cold beer in

So good. I hate how we act like our constitution was written by god himself, when clearly they made mistakes, like uhhh slavery.

I have posted this, already, upthread but it bears repeating.

I divorced after 15 years. Last five we were like strangers. Final year got kinda nasty as she already had a replacement on deck. I decided fuck it...there was nothing I wanted to fight over. Let her keep the house, car, etc. and I was gone. I did have some money and a family member who had room to store me while I

I’m watching a special on nbc called hope&fury: mlk, the movement and the media. It’s really good.

Nope not just you. I started noticing it 2-3 weeks ago. There are a lot of old commentors I don’t see any more and SNS has been a ghost town. I’m just not sure what happend.

This is difficult to write because I’m not the best at expressing myself, so please forgive me if this doesn’t make sense.

Try some Holy Basil. Two caplets before bed will keep you from getting up during that shitty 3a-5a window wanting to die.

My favorite signs of the day

I know there’s been a problem with some grey posts being invisible/causing problems when they’re enabled. So it could be a bunch of people aren’t bothering to post any more. Plus there have been random bannings.

This is excellent news!! I’ve had a roughish day, crying about the march, remembering my childhood friend who was murdered with a gun. Your post has seriously brightened the end of my day. I am happy for you! Thank you for sharing.

Claire’s didn’t die, they’re filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy which will hopefully allow them to reorganize their debt and remain in business.

End of Relationship thread? I think my s/o and I are done. After ten years, I just feel like an absolute fool. He never really wanted marriage, or kids, or even the dog he promised. I’m nearing forty, so I feel like I gave him my best years and I’ll probably be walking away with nothing. I just want for this to be

Does Jezebel seem kinda dead lately to anyone else?

Hi everyone, what are we drinking? Me, Chianti. Delicious. Awesome mouth feel. But oh I’m sad.

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I updated everyone. Several months ago I started posting about my abusive marriage and really appreciated everyone’s support as I prepared to leave. Now I am here to update everyone that I have been gone a little over 3 months. I am in my dream apartment. It might not be much to

I’m out tonight for the first time since my divorce. Like, I’ve gone out to dinner with friends, but tonight is the first night since 2015 that I’m out at a bar, and I just feel awkward. I used to be a going out girl, and since the divorce, I’ve just turned into a home body. And I’m okay with that. I’ll be 38 this

I finally put together a home office after ten years of working from my couch, floor, kitchen, and sometimes my bed. I am crazy stoked-and I already had two good ideas in 24 hours while kicked back in my “thinking” pose (feet up, head back, rap loud). I also had someone come give a quote for my dream of a shoe and