Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

And don’t let anybody talk you out of it. My whole life I keep hearing how “uncomfortable” people are with me being angry and other such bullshit. Maybe if you quit PISSING ME OFF you’d be more comfortable!


Gorgeous Zulu
(And hey — gorgeous rug!)
If he were here
A velvety hug.

I don’t know about maximizing impact, but I do have a monthly donation set up to the ACLU, and I feel like that covers a lot of stuff. I also do PP and the Movement for Black Lives. These are not huge donations, but they are monthly. Sometimes I think that they are not having any impact other than making me feel

So remember a few weeks ago I talked about hating my car and that it’s on the verge of becoming a money pit? So I went, looked, drove a couple and hated them both (a Prius C and a Honda CRZ). They made my current car feel really awesome. I was on the verge of test driving a gently used Mini Cooper when I took a

I successfully watermarbled on my first try!!!

I got a promotion! And unlike the one I got 2 months ago, this one comes with an actual pay raise!

I’m late so no one will see this but I am at a bar waiting to have a date with a guy who seemed Not Terrible. I even put on nice lipstick! And he is late. I am displeased. This is why I never date.

“What kind of conservative comes to a vegan restaurant in Brooklyn, though?”

I’m staying in tonight, designing more protest pins. I’m finding that resistance through art is good therapy for me. Just little tiny acts of anarchy to keep me going...and I donate a portion of my proceeds each month to ACLU and PP (I alternate months). I am spending a few days in NYC and got so inspired. I know we

You’ve probably heard it before, but you shouldn’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. If he can’t take that final step, you shouldn’t suffer eternally for it.

Today was a trying day working with humanity, but a shining moment in my day was running across traffic to pet this little lady. Here’s a tiny corgi to help you all through your difficult days.

That’s a dumb opinion. If you decide you’re ok with hunting or meat eating in general (which I personally am provided it’s for food/not an endangered species/within local fish and game laws) then you have to be ok with both men and women doing it too. I smell sexist bullshit.

Wait until you get older and your eyesight isn’t good enough to see the lines. :)

The photographers pitch a fit when people’s legs are in their shot. I assume you could also potentially trip a model if it happened to be a smaller runway, but it’s mostly because of the photographers trying to work. People who regularly attend fashion shows know this, thus Tiffany is a rookie.

Does she have her own money? Can she afford to walk away yet? I didn’t stand up to my family until I was mid to late 20s. Some women don’t manage it until their 30s or 40s. It probably depends on how much nastiness there is, and how nasty it is.

this is way better than my usual fan fiction.

I think you can wear crocs if you can make them edgy and postmodern somehow. But if you’re a lady you should be crossing your legs at the ankle. My cousin learned this in a Casablanca course.

Tiffany is 23 years old - so she’s old enough to know better, but only just. Let’s give her another couple years to get her head on straight before lumping her in with Melania, who is A. twice Tiffany’s age and B. CHOSE THIS.

Let’s all meditate on the life of Tiffany