Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Ah? Um. Well. Hm.

Oh ffs. It’s not like they were used!!!!! What would he do if he needed something from the store and it was down the same aisle as the tampons?

This might sound a little bit cliched, but have you ever looked into the five love languages? I thought it was pretty silly until I checked it out. My husband and I both took the quiz on a whim back when we were dating and it was surprisingly illuminating. For example, my primary love language is quality time, meaning

Oh! I like this thread. I have a special song for one of my cats. It’s complete nonsense. I don’t know how to describe the tune; it’s kind of a lighthearted little march.

Are you honestly implying that I am holding Tilda’s whiteness against her no matter what? If so then I really have no more to say to you. Good day.

Based on the other comments I have seen from you on this topic, I knew I could count on you not only to respond, but also to assign a whole lot more meaning to what I said than is actually there.

Except she wasn’t seeking to educate herself. She was seeking approval to assuage her white guilt, and did a fair bit of whitesplaining. Just because she was polite about it doesn’t mean it was a real effort.

I am genuinely astounded by the number of people who were all, “Wow, look at how civil Tilda was in approaching this conversation! This makes Margaret look terrible!” Like, did we all just read the same set of emails? Can privilege really make people so blind? I don’t even know what else to say. This whole thing is

Yeah, because it would have been impossible to write the role for an Asian person without portraying them as a stereotype. /s

I heard a gender bent version with the traditional male and female lines reversed. It did not improve the song.

For real though, that wakame. I like to make mine with miso, wakame, parsley (serious! It adds a little something) and sometimes an egg if I have them.

Adding meat to grilled cheese definitely makes it not grilled cheese anymore. If anything I might call it a melt and I’m sure it would also be delicious but it defeats the purpose as you mentioned.

That is fantastic! I wish I had more stars for you!


Don’t eat less. It doesn’t work. Gradually sub out some of the less healthy stuff you eat for healthier options. The fewer processed foods you can manage, the better.

I was gonna make green curry but then I found leftover soup from Thanksgiving that hasn’t gone bad yet!

I’m guessing it hasn’t occurred to you that having her principal’s support is one factor that possibly helped her to be taken seriously by the police in the first place. People don’t always listen to minors. It’s harder to ignore them with an adult in a position of authority in their corner.

I feel you. I’m married but I have no intention of making any babies. My in-laws have not picked up on this yet. I’m dreading the day they realize it ain’t gonna happen.

Almay was my personal favorite drugstore brand. I also really liked BareMinerals - not technically a drugstore brand but it’s affordable and one container used to last me almost a year. It seemed to actively help my skin back when my acne was heavier. 

Oh my gosh - your fiance sounds great and I’m glad he’s being compassionate! And that is good advice for sure. Stress can do a number on you, even in the long-term once you’re out of the stressful environment itself.