Bramble knot

Ha! If you play your cards right in this life you'll be reincarnated as a boy.

Look forward to getting fired. The world doesn't revolve around you.

You still have the house?

Many people say working for women is terrible. Mostly women in fact.

Who told you going into the military was a good idea?!

Suddenly the source of the so called pay-gap seems less mysterious.

Suddenly the source of the so called pay-gap seems less mysterious.

Suddenly the source of the so called pay-gap seems less mysterious.

Poor celebrities. They really have it tough. What’s this world coming to when people get happy for you and your child?The abslolute horror.

You have to be a troll with that level of ignorance.

Oops. Easy now. Careful with that. This is a website full of immigrant apologist feminist. They're refugees who can't do anything wrong.

Coincidence? I think not.

The nice guys are far away laughing at the women for keeping the company they chose. Don’t act surprised when your bad boy turns out to be, well, bad

Yes, dear, we’re all aware you're a whore.

I guess you have met take mental disability into account? Are you one of those people that doesn't believe the mind is a function of the brain?

Because it's abused. Just provide proof asshole.

So now you’re suggesting black men are violent?!

Okay. So YOU are fragile and words hurt you. Yes, I’m aware some of you are not the resilient, strong people everyone pretends you to be. I’m aware that some of you are weak. Which means it’s a good thing YOU don’t speak for all disabled people and YOU ALSO don’t represent every disabled person.

like is said, hopefully your kids make better choices. That's all a parent can hope, right? That their kids don't make the same mistakes they've made.

It reveals I majored in biology. Like ‘male’ it’s a biologically accurate term, something that still evades your feeble intellect apparently, just like their ability to use bad words you don’t like.