Reserve Parachute

And yet, people are commenting on here that the cop was not in any danger at all, and should’ve just sat there.

I mean, it would have been best if this could have been resolved without injury, but what was the guy supposed to do? 

There are some after photos out there showing the police vehicle had the back glass completely broken out and some trim torn off. The crowd was not just standing around peaceably singing hymns.

Windows break, anyone in the crowd could be armed, molotov cocktails are a thing. Should he have floored it? No but was there danger, absolutely. Saying he should sit there and let them break into the cruiser is akin to allowing the idiot mob into the Capitol because its not their building. Claiming he was in no

F that, your title is horribly wrong. It should be something more along the lines of “Mob Surrounds and Attacks Police Vehicle, 2 Injured.”

You can literally hear (one person says “oh they hitting on the cop car”) and see what’s going on in the video, in addition to other witnesses.

I’d have busted my way out of

Hold up, so you go out doing a street takeover, attack a cop car as a mob, get run over, and the police get shit for it?

I should start doing this. I could totally be a millionaire on the settlement money.

People are clearly divorced from reality these days. This article & the comments it has spawned are evidence of that.

Wait... you're going to accuse the poster of being delicate when the AUTHOR said to close the tab if you don't agree with him?  That's some seriously twisted logic.  

I hadn’t really read the Drive, but I think I’ll switch. This website that I thought was for enthusiasts, is nothing but people smelling their own farts and down-nosing anyone different. Thanks for the rec!

I have a news flash for you. Politicians regardless of party love it when more revenue comes into the general fund because either party finds a way to sneak-spend it so we the taxpayers never know or find out too late.

Sorry that you’re so delicate that you can’t handle discussions or topics that challenge your opinion, or why you may own a shitty giant truck for no reason.

Erik and Joe will fix it. they’re super smart. Its always the guy in the honda fit that complains about this. I’ll just tack on the cost to his construction project that I use my truck to build, so I wont reaaaaally be paying the tax.

Full disclosure: This is a blog for people who are interested in paying taxes for a better society. If your idea of a good country is one with zero taxes, then please close this tab now, there’s nothing for you here.

Is it really your argument that the Democratic Party is free from wasteful spending not related to taxation?

It’s a Shilling article, so...yes?

You can see your self out with all this common sense.  

Jalopnik: “Drive Free or Die”

I think better spending of our tax dollars would fix a lot of this.


This is effectively a punitive tax on the poor. Guess who can afford Teslas and new hybrids and stuff? Oh right, well-off people.

(Full disclosure: This is a blog for people who are interested in paying taxes for a better society. If your idea of a good country is one with zero taxes, then please close this tab now, there’s nothing for you here.)