Ensuring that at least 50% of Tacoma’s will turn out as useless bro-trucks.
Ensuring that at least 50% of Tacoma’s will turn out as useless bro-trucks.
Sorry I can’t hear anything over the deafening mediocrity of drum brakes on a $40k midsize pickup.
I know how to solve the issue of Russians flying into Turkish airspace:
Hey, if no one cares about what Clarkson said, why the hell would you write this massive column anyway? “Oh, notice how much I don’t give a shit”. Also, opinions, ever heard of those?
who’s under the delusion that anyone gives a shit about what he thinks
Wait, so is it considered “progressive” now to advocate for sex changes on ten year olds?
I agree with Clarkson - this transgender thing is getting out of hand. Children don’t have the state of mind to make the decision to have their genitals mutilated.
You can be silent. You just don’t have the right to shut them up.
The #safespace mentality has ruined a generation’s understanding of the right to freedom of speech and opinion. The militia-esque PC culture immediately labels people as bigots, attacks them, and calls for their lives to be ruined if they say something that offends them.
Here’s an idea, stop caring what some…
Freedom of speech isn’t there to protect fluffy unicorn speech that keeps you warm and fuzzy.
(because this article needs a bit more Jalopnik and a little less Gawker)
It should start with this: Dear Jason Torchinsky, don’t be an angry little manlet. :)
Almost thought I somehow landed on Jezebel after seeing this. But the PC crew always feels the need to call somebody out who disagrees with their opinion.
I’m so tired of people being offended by other people’s opinions.
Here’s another quote from that column.
Why do people HAVE to give a shit about “transgender rights”? Seriously. People aren’t allowed to express opinions anymore because everyone is so fucking sensitive. Personally I could care less one way or the other, but who is actually concerned with what an old British dude thinks about a micron sized part of the…
Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”
Torch, is this part of the new Gawker, and now Jalop, focus to jump in on social issues?
What makes you any more qualified to oppose his view than he is to have one?