Reserve Parachute

It's not really a P1 GTR; it’s a 650S GT3 car with a P1 body on the rear half.  Nobody in their right mind would hack up a legit P1 GTR.  

the officers decided not to file charges.

You use words like “deserve” as if there’s some kind of simple seniority requirement that needs to be paid off by simply doing time in the lower echelons.

*Looks at title and then looks at author...nods unsurprisingly*

Doing this destructive shit for clicks...I’m so over it and I wish it wasn’t possible for someone to earn a living this way.

Frivolous destruction porn.  Meanwhile people are starving to death.

Like... 98% of them? 

I think this is also a good time to admit that I’m not a racer, nor have I ever wanted to be one. I knew at a very young age that my brain is at its best when it has plenty of time to chew over various inputs and make an...

Maybe a better preparation would have been go-kart racing. It’s surprisingly physical (considering how tiny the go-kart is)

I don’t care your skin color. Take a fucking shower if you start to smell. I wish, if anything, airlines would start taking body odor much more seriously as an issue. I have been on flights with people who really fucking reek to the point of making you gag. If having your BO pointed out is really that traumatic, then

What a dumb article. That’s stupid people doing stupid people stuff. Doesn’t matter what kind of car it is. The car didn’t do that any more than a gun kills people. No, the idiot using it does. Lame article just to hate on ugly Cyber trucks.

“Cybertruck Crashes Into Crowd After Failing To Do Reverse Donuts”

No, the DRIVER of the Cybertruck did that. Don’t look down, your bias is showing.

Why can’t I reply without ending up in the pending bin?
All I said was Trump being misquoted here. No one wants to ban EVs, the quote “You won’t be able to sell those cars” is referring to how they won’t sell on their own without a mandate.

Whether or not you hate Trump, this entire article is a lie. He vowed to stop EV mandates - as in NOT forcing people to buy something they don’t want. The comment “You won’t be able to sell those cars” was referring to how EV sales would plummet without incentives, which is somewhat true.
No one is against selling EVs

As far as I can tell, this is the first reasonable use of a cybertruck.

We just called it stupidity. 

a coupe of people

everyone who was down on the ground got back up fairly quickly, which means they probably were too badly hurt.

Biden has proposed a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, Trump is proposing it on Mexican ones.

I don’t know about more harmful to the environment, actually some sources say it decreases emissions by 50%. Is the process to making Ethanol worse than turning oil into gas? are these companies and independent studies lying? Idk, but the reason it’s bad for your car is because of the high water content that separates

Um, bridges are within the purview of the government, even in Florida, aren’t they? It’s not like they’re private property, so what’s the problem with the head of the state government making a rule about how a government-run bridge should be lit? Believe me, I’m no fan of DeSantis, but you’re just reaching here.