Feel better now?
Feel better now?
Because The Root is a racist publication that should have to own what it puts out there and if it means ungreying commenters, then so be it.
All the writers on The Root are fake ass blacks. All the black people I know are strong and successful and don’t whine about dumb shit. They make their lives great. Writers on here want to keep black America down so that their job status writing for clickbait will pop out more.
Strong insecurities blkpipo.
Get real, black people don’t own any style or type of cooking. People in a geographic region own their cooking because of their wealth and what was available locally. Fuck off with this cultural appropriation bullshit. It's conjured, trite, and beneath anyone who isn't a petty race baiting malcontent.
#believewomenwhentheyaccusepeopleyouhatebutiftheyaccusesomeoneimportanttoyourcausetheyreprobablyliars would take up too many characters on twitter
“Listen to women!”
I take more stock in 3rd party than affected parties. Dude seemed pretty genuine through the whole interview.
Buzzfeed buries the major detail that Vaughn posted photos on OnlyFans in her Don Ayers uniform and in the company’s restroom a remarkable 27 paragraphs into the story.
Get this click bait trash off of here!
If you’ve got 25min:
Do I think this is fair? No.
Do I think this is right? No.
Crack Pipe.
That Montego Blue paint also sunburns on the Southwester cars and it’s escaped that fate.
Looking at that picture of the suspension, this is almost a car for David Tracy.
Here’s a thought - just make the whole plane first class, as in give people a little space - and be happy you can operate.
It is only missing the dealer optional gold badging trim to be the perfect representation of it's generation.
Can it be a real Camry without the dent?