Ah, so they can leave the dome on occasion. They’re just required to wear a spacesuit any time they step outside the confines.
Ah, so they can leave the dome on occasion. They’re just required to wear a spacesuit any time they step outside the confines.
I want to hug MB, that puppy, and all those girls. (I’d probably stick to high-fiving their leader.) These pics are all darling and I’m not a particularly schmoopy person.
This year, Arrow will be much lighter, too. It obviously won’t be as sunny as Flash and SG, but it will embrace its comic book origins and give us a funnier, happier Green Arrow in Star City. I am so stoked about all three shows. Bless Berlanti.
I watched it as a rough draft. Pilots are aimed more toward convincing execs to greenlight the series than anything else. The Flash got so much right that the fumbles were overall pretty easy to forgive. I think SG will turn out that way, assuming again that CBS doesn’t panic and heavily interfere while the series is…
I hope this turns out to be a lovely, fluffy bit of cotton candy like Flash. The series has the perfect lead and the pilot was solid for a pilot. The series will have some freshman rough spots the way pretty much every series does, but I think it will ultimately be a joy to watch. Berlanti, Guggenheim, et al. have…
News being what it is right now (I presently live in Virginia), I needed this so much, I teared up. Berlanti: you have my loyalty for life. Supergirl: you have my viewership confirmed.
A MiB character would fit in beautifully.
Lando and Link are named in the article, so I just named the ones I recognised who hadn’t been identified.
I just looked even closer at the window now. Is that Slender Man in the deep background?
I’ve never played Bioshock Infinite or Mass Effect, so I never would have figured out those characters. Thank you.
I was so intent on the people framing it, I didn’t even notice it was a character.
Cigarette Smoking Man from the X-Files.
I recognise Cooper, CSM, Lucius, Rocket, and Tank Girl. I’m still trying to place the rest, but this is amazing.
I’m in.
The same thing is true for Cavill that was true for Brandon Routh: he wasn’t what was wrong with the movie. Better scripts and directors would have let both actors shine in the role.
This is amazing and I cannot stop laughing.
Btw, pretty much giving away the game here, but my first and last name are a perfect anagram of ‘Terrible Mockery’. Go on. It’s all right to admit you’re jealous, people and Dead Gods.
As a RL Kimberley, my second e and I feel your pain and the pain of all the Old Ones. Mine isn’t even something fancy. Still, I might claim you as my spirit animal, Eldritch.
I’m curious about the detail about using low light, which seems like it would lend itself to magnifying the trippy effect. Off to Google for any info about the potential effects of using bright light in such a study, if that info even exists. Nice little article!
Archaeologist, here, so in the States, just in one two-year period, I lived in Oregon, Missouri, Vegas, Oregon again, Boston, Houston, and Tampa. I followed that with a stint in Chicago and now I’m doing time in Virginia. At this point, small towns, big cities, Northerners, Southerners, and Texans all have some degree…