
My resolve has been eroding. Some of it has been due to national news here in the States, but I think my breakdown regarding troll avoidance started when the shootings at UCSB happened and all of the assholes rose up in the good name of their beloved misogyny while also concurrently insisting so what if the murderer

Another atheist, non-fan of the Catholic church (or any others) who likes this pope well enough, too. I would so love to see him (Francis, btw, Benedict was the last guy) lead with progressive, liberal, intersectional feminist action and for the Vatican to follow his leadership. However, that one time the Pope

Minnelli didn't send it. The gentleman who sent it is her publicist, but he didn't send it for her.

Oh, there's certainly reason to suspect Carroll. I'm not arguing that. And, yes, I do know there was an abrupt chill between Carroll and the Liddells when Alice was eleven. There's all sorts of circumstantial evidence suggesting he shared the fictional Humbert Humbert's predilections. That's my only point: it IS

Whether Carroll was a child molester remains unknown. I grabbed just one of the myriad articles on the subject from a reliably neutral source, The Smithsonian.…

And, no, I will not watch anything by Polanski or Allen and I do not listen to anything by Jackson. The

Very pissy. He's insisting he totally WOULD TOO ask a dudeful CEO the EXACT THING. As for why he has never done so? I'm guessing 'Because SHUT UP is why' would be his response.…

If you have access to FB and are interested, here's his entire response, straight from the

FWIW, you give me much needed hope. Thank you.

The yapping has never lasted more than forty minutes, so I'd only need the sound-blocking for fairly short stretches at random intervals. I appreciate the tip on the alternate headphones and the info on the potential for hearing damage.

That's how many there were when I read through all of the conversations earlier. You obviously have quite a bit of comment policing to do and commenters to correct, so as I wrote earlier, I'll let you get back to that.

So, you think one or two comments in the responses to this story out of all the other discussions means this story has been 'blown up into some variation of 'the whole world hates fat women''. Okay. I'll let you get back to that.

I saw that one. Actually, at the time I read through all of the conversations, I think there might have been two whole such comments. A couple of people might have even agreed with those statements by now. That is not, however, an example of Jezebel getting 'blown up into 'the whole world hates fat women'.' That's

I think I'm developing a sympathetic headache from reading this. I hope you've since moved on to employment by a less batshit employer.

First off, props for attempting to fact-check. Second, thanks for the confirmation that the higher-ups truly dropped the PR ball on this. Hope they enjoy that fair piece of hoisting, re: their own petards, that will keep coming their way.

Scroll through the rest of the conversations, rosebud. You weren't just wrong about my reply. You were also wrong about your 'prediction'.

There's no real story here, but being Jezebel, one dumb kid probably mistaking a business inquiry for a buddy of his (and saying something vague and out of context about "fat girls, shouldn't talk" - why is it assumed the comma shouldn't be there?) will get blown up into "the whole world hates fat women". (It doesn't

Jezebel has nothing to do with the fact that restaurant never replied when the young woman e-mailed and left voicemail for the owners more than once. They could (and should) have been in touch and confirmed, yes, those text replies were intended for someone else and perhaps even offered her an apology for the

I have a mid-model iPod a friend gave me after one of her upgrades. I can manage most ambient sounds. It's just these particular noises that are problematic. They're problematic enough for this to likely be a good investment, though. Thanks for the suggestions.

The last time it happened, I had been dealing with some awful muscle spasms in my back and neck pain so severe that I wondered on and off for three days if I had somehow fractured a cervical vertebra. That's the only time I've been enough of a crab-ass to blast a themed soundtrack ('Who Let the Dogs Out?'; 'Everybody

I may have to invest in a pair of those SleepPhones. The place I live in shares its kitchen wall and living room wall with the place next door. For some reason, this creates an amplifying effect and noises made next door at a certain volume are broadcast through my place. By 'noises' I mean 'when the otherwise