And it's a pretty reasonable thing to be frustrated about precisely because she's being turned down when her peers aren't.
And it's a pretty reasonable thing to be frustrated about precisely because she's being turned down when her peers aren't.
Perhaps a partnership with Kurrle will follow, or perhaps she'll be contacted with great designs from a presently unknown designer now that this interview is out. I'm sympathetic toward her present lack of a partnership, though . Being turned down by about a half-dozen designers would piss me off and/or shake my…
I doubt there would be as much public support in the community for her, too. That particularly breaks my heart. This is how violent a rape has to be for the victim not to be blamed. This is how extensive her injuries have to be for the rapists to be held accountable. I am glad she has the support of the community,…
I was hit in the back of the head so hard by the rapist who assaulted me, I needed around fourteen stitches just to close up that wound. I share this as context for why I particularly appreciate allies such as yourself. Thank you.
That works for me, too. Physical castration would be particularly fair in this case. The rapists injured the girl so severely, she had to have a hysterectomy. Losing their reproductive organs would come a hell of a lot closer to justice than the wrist-slaps they'll probably get.
Throw in chemical castration, and I think you're on to something.
Apparently, she didn't just sustain vaginal injuries. Word has it that the rapists raped her so violently she had to have a hysterectomy. Sickeningly, that would explain why a small conservative town would rally behind the victim the way they have. It would seem that this is the level of violence a woman has to…
I have been looking for any information that might explain the aggressiveness of this investigation because this is so damned atypical. That word is going around she needed a hysterectomy (whether she did or not) explains how such a small, conservative area would appear to be making such a progressive stand. JFC. …
I remember I managed to catch The Mad Hattie by her tail and yank her out. For the life of me, I can't recall if Spike stayed in until he climbed back out or if I also caught him in time but imagined him being stuck in there so vividly that my brain is remembering that instead. It was that traumatic of a day, stupid…
I see your cat stuck in a bed frame and raise you seven ferrets in a Motel 6 because I had literally boiled the brake fluid out of my brake system going down Mt Austin in NV. (I had to drive over 150 miles with no brakes and with a medium-big U-haul trailer attached. Thank fuck there weren't a lot of intersections…
That, and when she broke her pelvis practicing a horse stunt. (PS If there's a Wonder Woman movie, I would be happy to see a little fan-service by way of LL as Hyppolyta.)
I'm kind of wondering if we're not looking at a case of folie à deux, as far as the Slender crap goes.
I've been trying to find the right words to express my thoughts on this and, lo, you've already found them for me.
I have twice ordered something and gotten such a worried/guarded/braced expression from the cashier and had no idea why they had slightly but unmistakably drawn back. Both times, I thought some lurking horror had loomed behind me and instinctively ducked and sidestepped, only to find, no, my total had come to $6.66…
I'd actually be more worried about Pitt and Clooney being engaged in some private war of randomly rendering dicks on each other's possessions, at least until more of the kids hit their teens.
Even in my late teens and early twenties, I knew I had a biological syllabus instead of a biological clock.
Preach. I had tubal ligation done as soon as possible and I LOVE knowing I can never get pregnant. It is such a sweet, joyful relief for me. I never wanted children, but after watching my dad die from brain cancer and my mother being diagnosed repeatedly as a sociopath? Oh, fuck, no. I would be a disgrace to my…
I don't really think about what she did (or didn't do, actually) all that much, and I've talked about it even less. It brings up that slippery-sick feeling of vertigo that hit when I finally found out she not only didn't help, but later realised she had lied to the police. I had forgotten about that until this…
Maybe the unlikely happened and she now does a lot of volunteer work with victims of rape and domestic violence. I certainly wouldn't bank on it, but it is nice to think that something positive might have come from that time.