
What about the fact that Emma Thompson's character works with her husband, but she never actually talks to him at the office? And no one they work with seems to know that they're married! Like when Husband leaves work to go Christmas shopping with Wife, he asks his secretary why Wife isn't at the office, referring to

I totally get that, but did you watch those little sex gods just kill it?! I wasn't into boy bands during my time in the relevant demographic, but now that I'm way too old, I totally want to hook up with One Direction,

I agree, but sometimes I think I'm pathologically private. Which is why I almost shit my pants when glanced at this photo and saw my doppelgänger. I won't tell which person is my long lost twin because... I'm pathological. It was a very strange sensation, and one I wouldn't appreciate if I was actually the girl(s) in

I was just thinking that today. I'm so thankful to be where I am now rather than where I was a year ago... and that's a really great thing.

John Stamos is so sexy, but he is also the absolute worst.

Yeah. He was saying that Beyoncé's Single Ladies (I'm pretty sure) music video should have won the award that Taylor Swift was accepting (best female pop video or some such). Instead, Single Ladies won Video of the Year—the biggest award of the night. And I think that kind of moots the whole gist of Lindy's critical

The music is totally creepy! It reminds me of a guided meditation CD my mom gave me some 15 years ago to help me fall asleep. The music in the background was just like the music in this video—so bizarre and oddly unsettling. The CD always made me feel more melancholy than I did before I listened to it. However, I

Haha. I'll admit my first thought upon seeing him was, "Who is...? Is that... R. Kelly?" I only remember his face & voice because Space Jam was my jam when it came out, and "I Believe I Can Fly" was eeeeeverywhere. But when I think of R. Kelly, I definitely think of a rapey old guy who tricked a young Aaliyah into

Oh god. Oh god, no. You don't know R. Kelly? I feel so old.

I have also had a couple beers. Still didn't think it was funny.

Omg thank you!! I was just raging about subway harassment here on Jez and humored myself for a moment that the SNL writers read my comments or something. A girl can dream!!!

I thought it was a tooth thing, but when I googled "Lady Gaga Teeth" I got a music video? Anyway, I got down to the foot of my bed like a school girl and stared at her. I think it was a mouth thing. I think?

I think humanity has reached a consensus that it's generally not okay for a man to whip out his dick in public, especially in the presence of a child. There are exceptions to that rule, obviously (e.g. locker rooms, nude beaches); but people have the choice to go to those places or not, with full knowledge of what

Like I said originally, he could have walked a little further down the hill he was standing on and been completely out of view. He chose not to. He wanted to be seen, and I think its safe to assume he wanted to offend. And I did turn my head away the instant I saw what was going on. I don't really need schooling from

I hope, for her sake, that she's not intimately familiar with a man's reproductive organs. You saw the part about having his whole penis exposed, right? I mean, that was totally unnecessary. Especially in the presence of a small child. He could have peed through the hole in his fly, but he chose to make a scene.

... it has to do with this post because it illustrates that I, too, am capable of incomprehensible rage when I feel violated personally or on behalf of those over whom I'm protective. I bet I'm not the only one. Mr. Lee experienced that feeling and responded inappropriately. I felt something similar, but did not

I agree 100% - Mr. Lee's response was absolutely wrong and unjustifiable.

Such a dream boat. Prince Eric FTW.

Same with my Kansas child. It makes me so happy (and oddly proud) when we walk around, usually in KC proper, and see two people of the same sex being affectionate and she doesn't even bat an eye.

So instead of committing "the first act of war" by defending herself on TV, she did it in a newspaper. That's like IRL war equivalent of taking pot shots across a border rather than full-on invading: it's still starting a war. Between this and her stance on vaccinations, Jenny is obviously not a paragon of critical