
It’s a straight line speed car. The first things of importance on building a modern Bugatti is how fast it can go, how bad of gas mileage it gets, and how much of a cock you look like in it. Buoyancy aside.

Years ago, R&T did an issue at Miller Motorsports park that pitted the ALMS cars against their street counterparts.

The LMP1s pull 3G through some corners. 3 freaking G. Chiron on road tires might be capable of 1.2G? Less?

Yeah the C7.R’s 5.5L V8 has about 150 less horses than the production Z06 and only about 40 horses more than the base 6.2L in the Stingray. Of course the C7.R is NA and the Z06 is supercharged, but racing slicks, a lightweight body/chassis, and all those very expensive aero bits make a massive difference.

Tires every 10 laps. Engine re-build every 50.

It’s nice, but the Bugatti would have to refuel every lap if it was to race at LeMans.

Would love to see an actual flying lap time. Guessing it’s not in spitting distance of the GTE cars.

America’s not ready for what I have to say

So, Patrick, when are you planning on finishing your novel?

Dopamine’s just a noun. Driving’s the verb. That’s all that matters in the end.

I’m also very happy to announce that with this, Maggie is going to be one of Jalopnik’s regular columnists. She spends most of her time writing novels but expect to see a lot more of her writing here soon!

Much like Lal, you missed the joke.

Fun Fact of the day: The Mall Of America is one of the largest hubs for human trafficking in the US

That clip is from the movie the “The Running Man” which was released in 1987, aka the late 80's. So what was your point?

This has been in the making for a few months now. All of the local PD departments have been “challenging” each other to make better and better running man videos. Because, here in MN we don’t have very much “real” crime.

We reached out to Bloomington PD to ask how much time and money they actually did spend making this, and will update if we hear back.

The real running man dates back to the late 80's...

These new CS:GO taunts look amazing.

My biggest issue is that normally the largest individual shareholders of any organization are the executives/members of the board, so when they say the shareholders aren’t happy with the stock price, it normally means that they aren’t making enough money for themselves. It’s all self fulfulling, and shareholder value