
I just said the same thing. It was really good and then the twist.

Haute Tension let me down with the twist at the end. I was into it and then…that. :(

I feel like I just read something about an edited album, and Eno didn't like it. Something along those lines.

I'm Liz Phair and then Miki :)

This season has been a bit of a slog, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and my wife liked it too so that helped.

Funny you say that. I was going to mention Tribe and heard "Love's Gonna Get You" this morning on Backspin.

We're on the same page! I think the NWA path was easier for people with much less talent to succeed. I like my rap lyrics to be about…something. My wife doesn't understand why I like Tyler, but he's actually talking about things- dealing with success, depression, his real life. Not some fictional "I'm a drug

Do you realize how great rap would be today if 50% of the groups followed Public Enemy's example instead of 95% following NWA's example? I love me some NWA but everyone just went the gangsta route which turned into materialistic bullshit which turned into selling out at any cost.

Drake's rapping is so damn boring. Even he sounds like he's falling asleep on his songs.

The 90s fucking rocked!

It was probably Kool Moe Dee.

I was just thinking of Brenda Kahn last week which is similar in genre to me. "I Don't Sleep" is a pretty dope song.

What are your chances for success? I'm thinking 40%. I think the negatives are blatant. The positive things working for it- Rogen/Goldberg wouldn't take on if they're going to be heavily censored; also, They're big names so AMC would want to preserve a working relationship; fairly unknown property so they have to

By "no one", I assume you mean "every one".

My wife wanted to know why the trees were furry.

The first Hispanic Voices had me and my wife crying.  It was so frickin funny.  The 2nd time was good too with Rafi. 

It co-cayaina.