
I refuse to blame Octavia Spencer for the lackluster quality of this episode. I think the writers dropped the ball with some less-than-inspired sketches; I don't think they knew how to write characters that emphasized Spencer's strengths, but at least they didn't go with the default rule of Spencer-as-Nurse…

Not only is the French Art House film, named "Totinos", a movie that I imagine Kristen Stewart has starred in, the refrain "my hungry guys" just gets better with every utterance. Now that's how you do product placement!

I want to see what Villasenor has. I fear it will be a "replace her? I hardly knew her" situation.

The quiet pain that surrounds Bonnie is sublime and is an even more palpable parallel with the new version of Annalise's pain that has begun to manifest. Knowing that this guilt would probably cause Bonnie to self-destruct, I am hesitant to believe that she's at fault for Wes's death; however, the show sure likes to

As Chidi should well know, those who cannot do teach.

So…is it just me or does anyone else think Michael is going to die within the next four episodes? The narrator said something ominous (again) about Michael's mortality (re: moving to a new house, "they really believed it would happen"), and with the increased presence of Rafael with the other members of Jane's family,

I love the prohibition of curse words in the good place. Not even Trevor could fork that up.

I've been trying to unpack this episode. I've seen many more Moniques in my life than Craigs. But I don't think either aims to dehumanize, rather, they embody two different avenues through which people can fundamentally misunderstand others (as a result of differences in personal experiences): race (Craig) and class

General discomfort is part of the black experience! But, this was an exaggerated portrayal as well. Even within J&J/Black Elite, there are people of tremendous means - I have a pool, belong to a country club, and have a gate around my house in the gated community I live in - that simply cannot understand that not

I don't think anyone, including Craig, could get along with that kid.

The problem with Craig is that he cannot understand how his interest into a people is the same commodification that he laments. He thinks that understanding pieces of what it means to be black, alongside his affiliation with black people, makes him "black" - or at least, more black. His interest may be genuine; his

I will say, from my share of J&J experiences, this wasn't too far removed from what some Jack & Jill gatherings are. I was in J&J for a long time, and it's still weird that I was forced to do a Cotillion, but even J&J isn't as bougie as that party.
(And "He got a black wife" is the sharpest line of the episode. I've

Question: Who is the Boss?
Abed: Janet.

I'm a Chidi-Eleanor -shipper. But, if Chidi's soulmate is actually Tahani, then Eleanor's would be Jason/Jianyu. I mean, in terms of redeem-ability, I feel like Jason is lower than Eleanor. Which means, perhaps, it will then be Eleanor's job to pass on her teachings from Chidi to Jason once she has solidified her

Prediction: Wes's premed girlfriend kills a patient on purpose and seeks Annalise's help. Annalise doesn't help as an attempt to keep Wes under control. Wes retaliates from her constant meddling, burns down the house, and kills Nate in the process while Nate is simply waiting to cook Annalise dinner and rub her feet

If I ever get married, I want both me and my spouse to have the last name Funches. It may be the best last name ever made. Basically, it's bunches of fun; however, this episode (minus Funches) was merely a Christian Bale of fun.

Yes, I meant to write adjunct. Crim Law I isn't a mandatory first year course anymore, though. It's been replaced by Criminal Procedure; I'm pretty sure that "How to Get Away With Murder," the class, is the equivalent to Crim Law I, which would be available as an elective for first year students. Thus, even as an

There are many associate professors that practice law full time while teaching a class or two a semester at a law school. I think Annalise uses her associate professorship partially as a boon to her social status and professional status. A top-tier lawyer that still finds time to teach future lawyers the skills

Solid B, I would say.
I had some issues with plot continuity: transfer students to Stanford Law have to be in the top 10% of their class to be considered, as a general rule. Last season, Michaela was arguing with Connor about which had the higher class ranking…but now all that is thrown away by the reveal that they

I am not surprised but disappointed that the categories picked last in both rounds were African Americans and Sudan, respectively, and neither even had the last clue read. It was particularly infuriating in the first round because of the category's relative ease.