
You must really enjoy eating that billionaire asshole.

You have a little Elon jizz on your forehead.

You are a fucking idiot.

Silly racist.

Why do insist on perpetuating the myth there is a shortage of truck drivers in the US?

The author is the one complaining about it and they aren’t a NASCAR fan.

Wow you sound like a terribly ignorant bigot. You would fit right in.

Thanks for permission to play a game how I want.

They are too busy pimping Dustless Blaster.

That is the entire Saturday morning lineup on Motortrend TV.

I guess everyone isn’t a 1% er who thinks 6 grand is pocket change. Or they just have much better sense than to by this load of crap.

Again, this article is about a car and not a truck. So again you have no point with your comment about the Maverick.

Same thing Elon Musk does with a number of different coins.

He did an Elon Musk to buy a car from Elon Musk.

They were the Tesla of the 70's.

That is a truck. Trucks aren’t cars.

But that isn’t what Starlink is or ever will be.

Like what?

Most drove tractor trailer rigs, that is why it is called The Trucker’s Strike and not a Bunch of People in Cars Strike.

If there was another person stupid enough to pay 3500 for the wheel, he would have sold it by now.