
Thanks for the Trumper viewpoint.

I suppose you think yourself superior in some way?

Idiots like you will click on the article to leave moronic comments.

The chick you spend 12 hours a day wanking to on Twitch.

Go eat a dick. Fucking moron.

You seriously clicking on an article you hate and bitching about it again? What a fucking moron.

Neither do you yet here you are running your fucking head.

The easiest way is to move to a place that has tile that you prefer.

No there isn’t.

Only if you hate them.


No they are pinched really tight to the wheel. The lug nut would have to be backed off a bit to turn them.

I agree. Truck tires and the associated equipment to change them are heavy as fuck. They guys that do it on road side  service trucks really earn their money.

I mean they give a shit enough to make sure the lug nuts are tight but not enough to make sure some mostly pointless pieces of plastic are pointing right. I have been driving trucks for about 30 years and never had a problem with a lug coming lose.

Yeah the should pay those guys more. It is really hard work.

I have been a driver for 30 years and never experienced a problem with lug nuts working loose. Things like this do help with insurance rates as it helps present an image you give a shit about safety.

They are to warn the public that the driver is a douche.

This is more likely due to many places paying tire changers 10 bucks and hour and them not giving a shit which way they are pointed.

They catch on fire real good too!

These portable enough to be of use in my catalytic converter theft business?