
Boot-licking, Nazi.

How could you have Mass Effect on the list but not this years release of The Elder Scrolls V?

Keep sucking that Elon cock, no matter how stupid it makes you look.

But you don’t have to replace a hemi every 5-6 years.

They haven’t been a reliable source of information in decades.

You are one of the stupid fuckers that matches speed with the truck instead of just passing and your brake checking proves you are and idiot that has no business driving. You really are everything wrong with the world.

What an ignorant comment.

No they haven’t.

They are fucking idiots.


Your whole comment is utter bullshit.

Slurp up that Elon jizz.

You really love sucking that Musk cock. You and Lindsey Graham make a fine pair.

As it should be.

Going to post your comment to r/whoosh over on reddit.

Besides making up numbers, you don’t seem to know what average means.

The first rich guy to buy a ride to space did the same flight for only 20 million in 2001 or so. This dude got ripped off.

Your comment, as always, is fucking stupid.

Wow you really are a racist.

Fucking racist.