By being a Japanese hearse and never having been in India.
By being a Japanese hearse and never having been in India.
Look at you being all racist thinking all Asians are Japanese.
But they didn’t screw the composer.
He didn’t work for Activision, so you really have no point.
So the shitty game runs good on your PC. It is still a shitty game.
Nothing you said made any sense.
You seem to miss the point that you don’t actually own anything.
All that was nonsense so that is why they chose to ignore it.
Buy a Pixel 6.
How is this a good thing? Erik Shilling and other Jalopnik writers preach that the UAW and its workers are the embodiment of EVIL!
Would work great with the GOP rednecks and morons who think a living wage is communism.
That is exactly how you change the Federal government, too. Start local, then states and then federal. Exactly what the republicans did in 2010.
How is it a slap in their face? If the workers are pro-union, then vote for union shops.
Tesla, which was started with government money, doesn’t want government money but is mad they aren’t getting government money. Makes perfect sense.
You got a bit of Elon’s jizz on your forehead.
What kind of moron do you have to be to call a battery, a generator? Are you really that fucking stupid?
What kind of moron do you have to be to call a battery, a generator? Are you really that fucking stupid?
Jezebel writers have always been misogynist.
I agree. Your jealousy is fucking pathetic.
Yeah that almost killed Tesla.