
John Gruden has never been a public official. The fact you don’t like what she said is irrelevant. 

Figure 8 is the only proper way to stir.


Only in your land of make believe.

In what alternate universe did all this happen?

Yet they have never made a profit from selling a car.

The list of ingredients sound a whole lot like garbage.

But you would have to buy 2-3 VW’s to keep driving as long as you can this Honda.


Only if you count the numbers after the decimal point.

It was fresh in 1964.

It doesn’t have a new engine just a different engine.

Another 25k to make it a car worth 25k.

In what universe? I see them go at auction all the time for 30k or less for completely restored models.

So you are saying most people who buy Tesla’s are clueless morons with their heads up their ass.

Yeah what is wrong with these entitled fucking people expecting a quality built product?

Especially people who spend their day tea bagging a rich guy hoping someday he will tweet @ them.

So you are saying Tesla owners are stupid and will pay a premium for any piece of shit Elon tosses them?

Because Tesla is continuing to produce a subpar product. Why are you still teabagging a rich guy?

No one is forcing you to give anyone your attention. You just enjoy them.