
What about the guy whose job it is to install them on the assembly line? Why do you want him and his family to be homeless? Seems rather cruel. 

But this isn’t a classic car and neither is a TR8. They are both just old cars and neither worth even $8500 much less $10500.

Stephen A. Crockett racist trash. Sad that he is too stupid to see he is no better than Stephen A. Smith.

He didn’t use an airport. He used a private spaceport built with taxpayer money. Your comment is a stupid as calling this a space flight.

Must be expensive to work on if the owner has put 8500 dollars into it and it still needs paint and a new interior.

The more axles the more weight the trailer can haul.

You get that amount of liquid sloshing about in a tanker it can move you in directions you never intended. I have hauled tankers for a while and they still scare the shit out of me.

Your comment shows you have no clue what you are talking about and shouldn’t be allowed on public roads.

Shut the fuck up always works nicely.

He also spent 100's of millions of taxpayer money but I guess it went to the good cause of rich guys having fun. Enjoy your rich guy jizz!

But they are doing it with their own money,so your argument is rather pointless.

Don’t forget the hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer support he is getting too for his toy.

Slurp that billionaire cock! Don’t forget to tongue the asshole too!

Richard Branson’s space port in New Mexico was paid for with taxpayer money.


They could auction the ride off each week to a different billionaire who isn’t busy with going into space.

No it isn’t.

Who is this Karen you keep referring to in your post? The woman who owns this minivan is named Brittney. It looks like you did a lot of copy and pasting from the Intercept but didn’t read the story.

But it is a 3 grand truck without the dent.

Wow you are a sucker.