A simple Google search would prove you wrong.
Each comment you make is more ignorant than the previous one.
Why are you here on this shitty site making shitty comments? Your life that shitty that you don’t have better shit to do?
Funny, that in all the news reports, all the workers were Egyptian and not Dutch. What special knowledge did they provide since all that was done was push the ship with a excavator and pull it with tugs.
Damn, you are dumb.
You could have just reset all your skill points with the machine on the ship instead of spending levels trying to get melee up. Not sure how you ever ran out of ammo since it is available everywhere for free or cheap in the vending machines.
Are you so stupid you actually think civilians were not killed in WWII?
Being a dispatcher means you know nothing about truck driving. Everything you said proves that point.
He is term limited to run again for Governor and not popular enough to beat Tom Cotton or John Boozman for Senate so don’t know what is left for him.
Oh they can still force them to go die since we still have the law that doctors can refuse to provide care for people in the lgbtq community based on their religious believes.
Every session they pass a bunch of shit that gets struck down in court. I am hoping one day they pass something actually helpful to the citizen of the state.
He is term limited so no re-election for him.
Most owner ops pull the trailers of the company they are leased on to, never really have seen anyone who did own their trailer “bling it out” unless they were building a show truck. Never met anyone who would have the doors replaced on the trailer just to have them shiny.
Most truck drivers have no say over the materials of the trailer since they are owned and purchased by the company.
I had a flat tire on the way home from getting my first shot. Coincidence? I think not!
They should release the update of not exploding every landing.
You aren’t.