They already do.
They already do.
Its funny then that the only people I see driving sedans are Boomers. The Millennials are the ones in the lifted trucks and SUVs.
Neither of the cops in this story are white. You silly racist!
Like he had the grades to get into DeVry.
Does it come with the glass display case or is that purchased separately ?
I do same sex marriages as a justice of the peace in my county. That was the only reason I ran for the office, none of the others would do same sex ceremonies. I have done two since taking office in January.
You need to spend less time playing games and more time improving your reading comprehension.
Your car doesn’t have a steering wheel? You probably should quit driving.
You should try upgrading to a car with a steering wheel instead of a bare shaft.
I was reading suggestions on r/conservatives that you should hide this money so the government doesn’t know you have it.
You need to move to a better area.
It is nice to see they finally decided to make this thing DOT legal by adding side-view mirrors.
They would be shit for this application since they spend so much time sitting around waiting, unless you expect the driver to suffer the heat and cold.
Since the car only has lap belts, the steering column is the only thing keeping you from going through the windshield.
I work at that Arby’s and I just want to say, If they want me to wash my hands every time I return from the restroom, then they need to pay me more!
1976 wasn’t in the 1980's.
Plus neither of those place require a spacecraft and 500,000 mile round trip to retrieve when needed.
Just the environment and farm workers.
You could say the same about plant based diets as they rely on a massive,unsustainable and cruel industry. Ask any migrant farm worker.
There is no ethics in veganism.