
The media is left, and most people are right.

This is the problem. Liberals have marketed certain news sources as “not news,” and people like you eat it up. You are literally saying that there is almost no rational conservative argument, which is so freaking false. Many believe just the opposite of what you believe, so why should any company ketow to what YOU

Ya because MSNBC is totally the bastion of truth and honesty.

I hope your family rots you unamerican piece of shit.

Hopefully, Lois Lerner will be looking into your tax returns

If it’s true, it’s not just the right wing that will be angry. People already feel Facebook is manipulative and unethical; this is just more fuel for the fire.

Kudos to Gizmodo for giving this issue a serious examination. I admit that I would have predicted a Gawker site to participate in the very same hide-newsworthy-conservative-subjects editorializing that apparently Facebook did. Thanks for proving me wrong.

Who cares? I’m not a conservative and this is very fucked up. Please do not post bait in the comments. You will only start drama.

Hopefully folks get their news from multiple sources. Not just Facebook, or Gawker for that matter. But I suspect not.