/Begin demonic metal thread
You wanted demonic? Here ya go buddy.
I was sarcastically agreeing with your point and throwing AsdefGhjkl under the bus.
Great track and a better album. One of the best of that genre of last year.
Oh shit, that’s a tasty jam right there.
I’m so damn tired of the “bathroom argument”. It’s illegal for anybody to molest, in any sense of the word, someone in a bathroom. There is not currently a magical force field that keeps out men (since this usually revolves around women’s bathrooms) that is going to be dismantled by allowing trans folks in. And no,…
Yeah, she is. The point is not to present perfect angels persicuted by society for no reason. It’s to show a pattern of discrimination which means showing different types of interaction with the justice system connected by consistent bias. Trans people who have done nothing wrong get harassed, trans people who acted…
he was called everything from a “demon abomination” to a “child molester,” to his face.
Yeah, ok, but all those words come from cell, which comes from latin.
But celluloid has two L’s thus making it a really strange distinction to make.
If it still bothers you, you really need to get over it.
I know you’re kidding. But if you ever see me doing anything that seems immodest, I hope you’ll tell me. (That goes for all of you!) The most pathetic thing in the world is when people who have a minor Internet following think they deserve special treatment.
COTD inside of a COTD?
“He has transcended humanity and become a godlike car person.”
Welp, guess I’ll buy one on eBay after people lose interest in it.
Apple Juche is my favorite kind of Juche.
Not a museum, but Portsmouth, NH has a memorial and a burial ground dedicated to the slaves who lived there. Much more than most New England cities have.