I'd buy Gouda from Conan.
I'd buy Gouda from Conan.
I'm just glad his book deal got canceled. The state of publishing is sorry enough without adding his vile drivel into the mix.
*Damien Chazelle angrily retweets Spike Lee's address*
What's so difficult to figure out? Trump is idiotic evil, whereas Bannon is just rabid evil with a dash of frenzy.
At this point, I'd be willing to believe Satan, aliens, and a murder house were all behind that disaster.
Nice work, Dowd. Let's all go to Applebee's and celebrate.
It was Johnny Depp, of course. Frank Langella and Satan were also involved.
The first good news I've heard all this year.
I swear by the sword of my father, Domingo Montoya; you will watch the documentary live.
He's just trying to get his ass back to Themyscira.
What killed the Amazons? The ice age!
Isn't it obvious why he doesn't dance anymore? It's because he's at home! Washing his tights!
No doubt, but I'm a sucker for all the dirty details. Plus, knowing that he's using a distorted view of history to justify his vile actions is all the more aggravating for me.
Apologies for this particular rant, but I thought some of the commentators here might find the subject matter interesting, given that it concerns the dark abyss that is Steve Bannon’s mind. The Huffington Post recently published an article detailing Bannon’s thought process, which they sum up as apocalyptic, and go…
Call me when Oliver and Larry David demolish Trump so thoroughly that there's nothing left but a hairpiece and chloric acid.
Ever since Hugh Jackman had that spat with Teti, all exclusive clips have been off the table.
But will there be adamantium?
You know the year's gonna end badly when the guy who tried to justify torture for the Bush administration thinks the new guys are getting too extreme.
I'm sure O'Reilly will have a change of heart a few days later and patch this all up by sending Putin a complimentary loofah.
I got a dominatrix alert for this?