
Take as many pictures as you want, Bryan. I’m5'3", and often have this problem at plays, concerts and movie theaters. If it’s random seating and someone is blocking my view, I change my seat. If it’s assigned seating, I politely ask someone taller to switch seats with me. You’re a paying customer too. Take your

Her name is spelled Conway, and the other misspelled word in your post is “gig”. A jig is a dance, you illiterate buffoon.

Megan Reynolds would be a true journalist if she reported just the facts and left her PERSONAL OPINION out if the story. It’s juvenile, biased reporting like this story that brings shame to the journalism profession, and contributes to the “dumbing down” of the American readership.

We’ve been warned by WHOM??? The ultra-left “Main Stream” fucking media? The rogue, “damn- the-truth” Fake News blogs and sites? Yep, you have your head in the past, and up your ass.

We’re talking about Clinton recounts and Jill Stein raising two million dollars toward funding such a recount. Focus, honey.