Reposted Wookieepedia

Top Trumps: Star Wars Episodes IV-VI was an edition of the Top Trumps card game based on the movies in the Original trilogy.

"At the Mos Eisley Cantina, everybody knows his name."

An alternative to escape pods, ejector seats could not protect against the vacuum of space or the elements, simply propelling a pilot clear of a damaged vehicle.

Ne'lear was a Kian'thar loan shark.

May the verse be with you!

Butch was a female rancor-dragon created through alchemy at Anil Kesh by Shae Koda and Quan-Jang.

* Orange: Nostalgia

When greeting an Ugnaught, it was advised to bow silently, then wait for a guttural purring as a positive response. Usage of the common galactic greeting "yaa-yaah" was considered a personal insult to Ugnaughts. If this occurred, it was advisable to duck and cover, as various mechanical implements would be thrown

However, standard Shyriiwook was considered lacking in suitable terminology, and perhaps semantic precision, for many technical subjects. Accordingly, when Wookiees talked about topics such as starship maintenance, the Thykarann dialect was often preferred, with many Wookiees capable of switching between the two with

It had at least three different sound clips:

Wookiee medical droids were medical droids built by Wookiees.
- From Wookiee medical droid

In the Galician and Portuguese languages, "do cu," pronounced exactly like "Dooku," means "from the ass."

The cup would constantly play pre-recorded audio of Senator Binks.

The Jedi Knight subtitle itself was later renamed to a proper title, with the Dark Forces as its subtitle: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.

Pandas were creatures.

The Dark Jedi Jerec and his six Dark Jedi seek the map to the Valley of the Jedi and captures the Jedi Qu Rahn for it. Meanwhile, the mercenary Kyle Katarn chases the informant droid 8t88 for a data disc that belonged to his father, Morgan Katarn. After retrieving the disc, Kyle returns home to the planet Sulon where

Brick had a good deal of scavenging experience, and was fond of the scavenger lifestyle.

Mezhan Kwaad is a leading Yuuzhan Vong character in the first of the novels in Gregory Keyes's Edge of Victory Duology.

Reseros Meh was a female Chevin who owned and ran a diner on Gamorr. She disliked other Chevin as well as members of other species. An excellent cook, she was very grumpy and had a gruff demeanor.

For example, the species features in the Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 1998, wherein they are described as "a bit like one-meter-tall teddy bears without fur.