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Antz (singular ant) was the term used to refer to any of many insect species of the forest planet Kubindi.

When using a Jedi mind trick, a Jedi often waved his or her hand to aid in the persuasion. The Jedi adopted a peculiar tone of voice along with a casual facial expression. The sentient being that was the object of the mind trick tended to adopt a casual tone of voice but a peculiar facial expression. Should the trick

An ancient incarnation of the lightsaber, the Darksaber was a unique weapon that produced a flat, black-colored blade of plasma. Thin and curved to a point, a shape with more similarities to a metal sword than contemporary lightsabers, the Darksaber's black blade was a meter in length and appeared to draw in the very

Stationed with Arca Company Barracks, the Special Ops Brigade was led by Jedi General Iri Camas and later Jedi General Arligan Zey.

* Arro Basteren
* Yosh Calfor
* Eskro Casrich
* Chirrut Îmwe
* K-2SO
* Farsin Kappehl
* Baze Malbus
* Jav Mefran
* Ruescott Melshi
* Paodok'Draba'Takat
* Bodhi Rook
* Serchill Rostok
* Taidu Sefla
* Stordan Tonc

If domesticated, tauntauns would require a grooming parlor to breed. Such a place would stink like the dirtiest imaginable kitchen to a sentient.

A Zeltron Lead was a discussion tactic in which one party made a rude or disparaging comment about an aspect under discussion, in an attempt to trick the other party into revealing more than they wished to divulge.

Some ship names are homages to existing characters, such as the space transport group Renhoek and the Mon Calamari cruiser Stimsenj'kat in the first bonus mission of the X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM. These refer to the main characters Ren Höek and Stimpson J. Cat from the cartoon The Ren & Stimpy Show.

The planet was spared by the Yuuzhan Vong during their invasion.

Science fiction or future-fic was a genre of fiction dealing with the impact of imagined science on future society.

After the Yuuzhan Vong War, hot chocolate became a rarity, because the Yuuzhan Vong had re-shaped seven of the eight planets that were home to the plant that produced the pods that were used to make it during the conflict.

After Amidala's death, there were conflicting reports regarding her death, the circumstances of and behind her death, and how she spent her final hours, but all of the autopsy reports agreed on two things: that she died by strangulation, and that the child she was pregnant with had died with her. What puzzled people

However, he was not merely a computer nerd, retaining impressive combat skills, fit for stormtrooper service.

Bernie was a customs agent on Dilonexa XXIII. He was a small man with wiry arms and legs, knobby knuckles, a shiny pink scalp, and gray stubble. He was known to have had a second cousin named Shirley, likely not the entertainer of the same name.

The Public Safety Department was an organization on Coruscant in charge of preventing situations that might endanger the public's safety.

A droid sound system was a type of audio system used with droids.
- From Droid sound system

A prince was a male member of a noble family, especially the son of a king or queen. The feminine equivalent title was princess. A prince or princess was generally preordained to succeed his or her reigning parent as the sovereign.

Not What He Expected … was a short narrative included in The Last Command Sourcebook.

The Stop Dead was an emergency maneuver for stopping a starship traveling through hyperspace when the vessel's navigation computer had been destroyed.

Jizz-wail, however, should not be confused with the term "jizz-wailer," which refers to musicians especially adept at performing jizz.