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Because of the nature of this power, it would cause beings to be seduced by the dark side.

Mentor's destruction triggered a cataclysmic overload in the geothermal power core of Zadd, resulting in the moon's destruction.

"You mean you've never seen Lando and Luke attacked by a giant, barbed penis? You haven't lived!"

Hay was dried grass. It was often piled into stacks, manipulated by hooks, and carried in carts.

Back on the planet, the two missing troopers wave desperately at the leaving gunships, but to no avail.

His interest in acting and decision to become an actor was also influenced by Ian Paisley whose church Neeson would sneak into. Neeson has said of Paisley that "He had a magnificent presence and it was incredible to watch this six foot-plus man just bible-thumping away…It was acting but it was also great acting and

Weissmuller also worked with Lucas when he played a Chrome Robot in the 1971 film THX 1138 and was credited as "Badass #1" in the 1973 film American Graffiti.

A rival, Navik the Red, leader of the powerful Chattza Clan, targeted the Tetsus, brutally murdering the elder Greedo and taking their wealth. His pregnant wife, Neela, took her son and father's namesake, along with around two hundred Tetsu Rodians, and fled the planet. Settling on a remote jungle planet U-Tendik, the

What Are We, Then? is an article written by Morrie Mullins as a tie in to the Living Force campaign.

Spectacles were very rare, as advanced surgery and cybernetic implants were more efficient in many ways.

After a brief lightsaber duel, Pavan trapped Sing in a reposticator that was filled with sand, which Sing slowly sunk into.

A shark was a creature that bore a superficial resemblance to an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Truth sense was an ability that was cultivated by the Jedi Order, which allowed the individual to tap into the Force in order to determine if another being was telling the truth. In general, a trained Jedi could quickly assess whether another individual was being truthful or not, but the technique did have it's

Sometimes, an unidentified green-tongued creature attacked a group of mimphs and tried to eat them. But Wicket and Kneesaa swooped down on a hang glider and rescued the mimphs.

Writing in-universe articles in past tense properly relates the timeline of that universe with our own perspective.

During the winter season, relations between Janek Fhurek and his mentee deteriorated when the former summoned the latter to his office prior to the tenth and final regular-season grav-ball game.

The Real Deal featured an enhanced sensor package that was a hallmark of Calrissian's ship modifications.

Cortosis was extremely rare though and, thus, extremely expensive, resulting in few weapons and armor made with it.

In it, a Selkath customs official Varko working at the Mercantile Plaza on Manaan unknowingly provides information to Theron Shan and Lana Beniko on the movement of Colonel Darrok and Darth Arkous.

It this story, we find out that One-Arm attacked Luke Skywalker because her children were hungry.