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A vibroblade resembled a short sword with a high-tech look and feel and consisted of the same basic design as other vibroweapons: the weapon's hilt or handle usually contained a compact ultrasonic vibration generator, causing the blade to vibrate at an incredible speed, making even the slightest glancing blow become a

Time was a measurable part of the structure of the universe, in which the galaxy existed, where events occurred in a sequence.

The swamp hemp of Oshetti was dried and spun into fine cloth.

3D was part of Cad Bane's posse and took part in the operation to free Ziro the Hutt from Republic custody.

Kyuzo warriors traditionally wore wide-brimmed war helmets that also served as shields or as thrown missiles, which were originally designed as a headpiece by the inhabitants of the Kwaidan Peaks to protect travelers from torrential rains during monsoon season in southern Phatrong.

It has been inferred that Frank Herbert's seminal book, Dune (1965), influenced Star Wars heavily.

Author Kevin J. Anderson noted that some "politically correct" individuals at Lucasfilm almost forced Anderson to characterize spice as a "food additive" in the Jedi Search out of concern for characterizing Han as a "drug dealer" during his smuggling days. The matter was brought up to George Lucas, who confirmed that

Mor Glayyd was the title of the leader of House Glayyd on the planet of Ammuud. Ewwen was the Mor Glayyd when Han Solo came to Ammuud.

Tokyopop's Star Wars Manga is a set of two Star Wars Manga books which contain several new and unique stories by Japanese artists. These stories are all non-canon.

A fedora was a hat of archaeological significance.

The Silence prevented the Mor Ewwen Glayyd from allowing Han Solo access to information regarding his clan's dealings with the slaver Zlarb. However, Solo revealed to him that Zlarb was a Malkite Poisoner and the Mor Glayyd eventually discovered that Zlarb had been responsible for the poisoning of his father — the

Trouble on Cloud City is the thirteenth book in the Young Jedi Knights series.

Fierce, outspoken and headstrong, she would accomplish whichever task she imposed on herself, for she would try to put duty before her own personal needs—likely, as a result of her upbringing. Furthermore, she never cared much for being royalty for her priority was to help those who needed her, and not wealth nor

Generationals was a term given to members of families that had long traditions of military service in the Republic Navy and (after the Ruusan Reformations) the Planetary Security Forces of the Galactic Republic.

Emperor of Air and Darkness was an album by the band Deeply Religious. It was banned by the Imperial Board of Culture.

"Ferus Olin," she rapped out. "You are responsible for this!"

Shortly after this event, Figrin D'an wagered the band's instruments and equipment on a hand of sabacc. He lost the bet, but the Modal Nodes soon convinced him to win their equipment back. He eventually succeeded and the Modal Nodes agreed to finally leave Tatooine. They went on to play the intergalactic circuit

The scores utilize an eclectic variety of musical styles, many culled from the Late Romantic idiom of Richard Strauss and his contemporaries that itself was incorporated into the Golden Age Hollywood scores of Erich Wolfgang Korngold and Max Steiner. While several obvious nods to Holst, Walton, and Stravinsky exist in

English (Basic) Lyrics:

When E.T. goes trick-or-treating with the children, he spots a child in a Yoda mask and begins to follow that child saying "Home… home…" (Composer John Williams included a snippet of his "Yoda Theme" from The Empire Strikes Back to accompany this scene.) This could be interpreted as E.T. recognizing a familiar species